Map Related Configuration

The Map report item allows configuring built-in tile providers and extensions with custom report items.

In general, external providers have a limited support of resources. They require an external key for unlimited access. ActiveReports allows configuring such keys:

The example of the configuration file.

XML code. Add to the configuration file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<MapTileProvider Name="MapQuest" DisplayName="MapQuest Tyles">
<add key="ApiKey" value="Fmjtd%7Cluur21ua2l%2C2x%3Do5-90t5h6" />
<add key="Timeout" value="5000" />
<MapTileProvider Name="Google" DisplayName="Google Tiles">
<add key="ApiKey" value="AIzaSyBdJ88HN7LTGkHHK5whfaVv8a5ozlx2E_k" />
<add key="Timeout" value="5000" />
<MapTileProvider Name="Bing" DisplayName="Bing Tiles" >
<add key="ApiKey" value="Al3SxHf0LOva-5GI5fOajO0LCuKjYKLarjWQFcdGiKfaJNRrE6SBbH9o3-HJDOX7" />
<add key="Timeout" value="5000" />

You can also implement your own tile provider and register it in ActiveReports as follows:

XML code. Add to the configuration file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<MapTileProvider Name="MapQuest-Sample" DisplayName="MapQuest-Sample" Type="GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Samples.CustomTileProviders.MapQuestTileProvider, CustomTileProviders, Version=">
<add key="ApiKey" value="Fmjtd%7Cluur21ua2l%2C2x%3Do5-90t5h6" />
<add key="Timeout" value="3000" />

  See the Custom Tile Provider sample.