Samples / Samples

The samples in Samples19 folder demonstrate report designing features that cover desktop, designer, API as well as advanced features. Download these samples from following link:

Each sample has a C# and a Visual Basic.NET code example for Visual Studio. You can also see the comments within the sample projects throughout code.

Sample Description
Advanced   Page and RDLX reports
Calendar This sample demonstrates using Calendar data region in reports.
Custom Chart This sample demonstrates using custom report item - Radar chart in a report.
Custom data Provider This sample demonstrates how to create a project using custom data provider and how to pull data from a comma separated value (CSV) file.
Custom Pdf Export This sample demonstrates exporting reports to PDF format using third-party assemblies.
Custom Resource Locator This sample showcases a custom implementation of the resource locator to load pictures from the user's "My Pictures" directory.
Custom Tile Provider This sample demonstrates how to create a custom tile provider.
Oracle Data Provider This sample illustrates using Oracle Data Provider as data source for designing Page/RDLX reports.
Section Reports
Custom Drill Through This sample demonstrates using hyperlinks and the viewer hyperlink event to simulate drill-down from one report to another.
 API Page and RDLX reports
Create Report This sample demonstrates how to create a Page Report layout in code. It further shows creating a table control, adding table rows and table columns inside it, adding cells inside the table rows and columns and adding text boxes inside the cells.
Digital Signature Pro This sample demonstrates how to add digital signatures when exporting to PDF format.
Export This sample demonstrates how to export Page and RDLX reports to different export formats.
Font Resolver This sample demonstrates implementing custom fonts.
Layers This sample demonstrates how to use Layers in a report.
Report Wizard This sample demonstrates how to create a custom Report Wizard that allows you to select a report from the list of multiple reports and then allows you to select the data that you want to display in the selected report.
Stylesheets This sample demonstrates how to work with embedded and external style sheets in Page and RDLX reports.
Section Reports
Charting This sample demonstrates chart types used in different scenarios, in both bound and unbound modes.
Cross Section Controls This sample demonstrates the use of the cross section lines and boxes.
Cross Tab Report This sample demonstrates using unbound data, conditional highlighting and distributing data across columns to create a cross-tab view and data aggregation.
Custom Annotation This sample demonstrates adding the Custom Annotation button to the report Viewer toolbar and adding a new annotation to the report.
Digital Signature Pro This sample demonstrates how to add digital signatures when exporting to PDF format.
Export This sample demonstrates how to export to different export formats using code.
Inheritance This sample demonstrates using the method that inherits a report at run time and design time.
Print Multiple Pages per Sheet This sample demonstrates printing a document with multiple pages per sheet by using the common PrintDocument class of the NET.Framework.
Style Sheets This sample demonstrates changing styles at run time to provide a different look to a same report.
Sub Report This sample demonstrates using subreports in an ActiveReports report.
Summary This sample demonstrates how to display summarized data in a Section Report.
Data Binding  Page and RDLX reports
CSV Data Source This sample demonstrates how to connect to a CSV data source.
DataSet DataSource This sample demonstrates how to use a dataset as a data source for a report.
Json Data Source This sample demonstrates how to use the Json data provider at run time and add a web service for authentication.
Object Data Source This sample demonstrates how to use Object provider for binding a report.
OData Data Source This sample demonstrates how to use OData EndPoint for binding a report.
OleDb Data Source This sample demonstrates how to connect to an OleDb data source at run time and pass data to the report using LocateDataSource event.
Xml Data Source This sample demonstrates how to connect to a XML data source at run time and pass data to the report using LocateDataSource event.
Section Reports
Bound Data This sample demonstrates binding to ADO.NET Data objects.
IList Binding This sample demonstrates creating a custom collection that stores data from the database in the List. The custom collection is displayed by binding data to the DataGridView control by using the DataSource property of this control.
LINQ This sample demonstrates how to use LINQ in an ActiveReports report.
Unbound Data This sample demonstrates how to create a dataset for a Section Report and use the FetchData event to populate the Fields collection to display the report unbound data.
XML This sample demonstrates how to create a report with XML data, using a SubReport or using the XML hierarchical structure.
Designer Pro Map This sample demonstrates how to work with Map control in ActiveReports.
End User Designer This sample demonstrates a custom end-user report designer that can be integrated in your applications to allow users to modify report layouts.
FlatEndUserDesigner This sample demonstrates building the designer using DesignerForm class.
Reports Gallery This sample demonstrates customizing End User Designer application to display a list of categorized reports.
Table of Contents This sample demonstrates how to use TableofContents control in ActiveReports.
Desktop WPF Viewer This sample demonstrates using WPF Viewer in a WPF application.
Win Viewer This sample demonstrates using Win Viewer in a Windows Form application.
Web Custom Preview The sample demonstrates exporting an ActiveReports report to the HTML or PDF format in your Web application.