Use this sample if you want to connect to the Oracle Data Provider, which is otherwise not available since System.Data.OracleClient is deprecated.
Visual Basic.NET
When you run this sample, a blank DesignerForm for RDLX report is displayed. Connect to the Oracle data provider as follows:
Sample Oracle Connection String
data source=in-data-sql/;user id=user1;password=password@123
Now, proceed with the report design by pulling the data from Oracle data provider.
The sample consists of the following:
TestDesignerPro.csproj: This is the default start up project.
ActiveReports.config: Located inside the startup project, it is a configuration file that contains the settings for using the oracle data provider. A sample ActiveReports.config content to configure the Oracle extension is as follows:
ActiveReports.config |
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<Extension Name="ORACLE" DisplayName="Oracle Managed Data Access" Type = "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess" AdapterType = "GrapeCity.ActiveReports.ReportsCore.Data.CommonDbConnectionAdapter, MESCIUS.ActiveReports" SchemaProviderType = "GrapeCity.ActiveReports.ReportsCore.Data.DataProviders.OracleSchemaProvider, MESCIUS.ActiveReports" QueryDesignerSupported = "true"/> |