The JSViewer_CORS sample demonstrates using the ActiveReports JSViewer when the server is hosted elsewhere. The sample consists of two applications - client and server, to demonstrate using the CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) where
- a client requests resources (reports) from one server and
- the server sends a response back to the client.
Note: To run each application in this sample, you must have:
Sample Location
First, you need to build both applications and then run the Server application followed by the Client application.
Note: The client url is specified in the web.config as the value of the custom header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin".
When you run the applications, you will see that the client application displays the JSViewer on the browser with a list of reports. Clicking the report link in the left panel opens the report for preview. You can preview the following reports.
- AcmeStore.rdlx
- AnnualReport.rdlx
- Invoice.rdlx
- Invoice.rpx
- Invoice_Colored.rpx
- InvoiceList.rdlx
- Project & Resource Analysis - Staff Performance Analysis.rdlx
- Statistical analysis scatter plot.rdlx
- User defined report columns.rdlx
The Server application consists of the following elements.
- Controllers folder: This folder contains the HomeController that handles the user interaction and returns the main Index view.
- Global.asax: The default class that sets global URL routing values for this web application.
- packages.config
- Startup.cs: The startup file adds the UseReportViewer() middleware to configure the middleware for ActiveReports API and handlers.
- Web.config: This configuration file contains the necessary markup for CORS to work and the actual client url.