Samples / Samples / API / Page and RDLX Reports / Create Report
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Create Report
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The Create Report sample demonstrates how to create a Page Report using code and display it in the ActiveReports Viewer.

Creating an RDL report

Sample Location

Visual Basic.NET



When you run this sample, the ActiveReports Viewer appears with a Page Report that is bound to a database.

Note: To run this sample, you must have access to the Reels.db. The Reels.db file can be downloaded from GitHub.

The sample consists of:

ReportsForm: This is the main form of the sample that contains the Viewer, the Sidebar, and Toolbox controls, used to create the ActiveReports Viewer at run time. Right-click the form and select View Code to see how to set up the Viewer. It also contains code that loads a layout created in the LayoutBuilder class to a Page Report object; then loads the Page Report object to a stream, which is loaded to the Viewer.

Constants: This file is an internal class that contains string values that are required for creating a dataset of the report.

LayoutBuilder: This file is an internal class that contains code for creating a Page Report layout and adding a data source and a dataset to it.