Developers / Work with Reports using Code / Section Report / Work with Code-based Section Reports / Create Mail Merge with RichTextBox
Create Mail Merge with RichTextBox

The RichText control can contain field place holders that can be replaced with values (merged) at run time. Let's create a mail merge report that uses the RichTextBox control.
When you complete this walkthrough you get a layout that looks similar to the .

Mail merge with RTB

Create a Report

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) project and click Next.
  2. In the Configure your new project dialog, type a name for your project, set Framework to .NET Framework 4.7 and click Create.
  3. Select ActiveReports 19 Code-Based Report and click Next.
  4. Enter a Project name, select a Framework and click Create.
  5. Rename SectionReport1.cs and in the Name field, rename the file as OrderLetter.
  6. Double-click OrderLetter.cs to open the report in the Section Report designer.

Bind Report to Data

Connect to a Data Source

  1. On the detail section band, click the Data Source Icon.
    Data Source Icon
  2. In the Report Data Source dialog that appears, select the CSV tab to connect to a CSV data source. Let us connect to MyOrders.csv data available on GitHub. See CSV Provider page for details on binding with CSV data. The connection string for our data is as shown:
    Connection String
    Copy Code
  3. Click OK to save the changes and return to the report design surface. The dataset is also automatically added.  

Design Report

  1. On the design surface of the report, right-click and select Insert, then Group Header/Footer to add group header and footer sections.
  2. On the design surface, select the grey area outside the report and in the Properties window, set the PrintWidth property to 6.5
  3. Select the group header and in the Properties window, set the properties as follows.
    Property Name Property Value
    DataField OrderNumber
    KeepTogether True
  4. On the design surface of the report, select the group footer section and in the Properties window, set the following properties. 
    Property Name Property Value
    KeepTogether True
    NewPage After
  5. On the design surface of the report, select the pageHeader section and in the Properties panel, set the following properties.
    Property Name Property Value
    BackColor Coral
  6. From the toolbox, drag the Label control to the pageHeader section and in the Properties panel, set the properties as follows.
    Property Name Property Value
    Location 0, 0 in
    Text Company
    Font > Size 20
    Font > Bold True
  7. From the toolbox, drag three TextBox controls to the groupHeader section and in the Properties panel, set the properties as follows.
    Property Name Property Value
    Location 0.8, 1.8 in
    Text Product
    Font > Bold True
    Location 2.80, 1.8 in
    Text Unit Price
    Font > Bold True
    Location 3.80, 1.8 in
    Text Discount
    Font > Bold True
  8. In the Report Explorer, expand the Fields node, then the Bound > Document node. Drag the Product field onto the detail section and in the Properties panel, set the following properties:
    Property Name Property Value
    Product field
    Location 0.8, 0 in
    Name textProduct1
    UnitPrice field
    Location 2.8, 0 in
    Name txtUnitPrice1
    Discount field
    Location 3.8, 0 in
    Name txtDiscount1
  9. In the Report Explorer, expand the Fields node, then the Bound >Document node. Drag the Total field onto the groupFooter section and in the Properties panel, set the following properties.
    Property Name Property Value
    Location 3.8, 0 in
    Name txtTotal
  10. From the toolbox, drag the TextBox control to the groupFooter section and in the Properties panel, set the properties as follows.
    Property Name Property Value
    Location 0.8, 0 in
    Text Total:
    Font > Bold True
  11. From the tool bar drag two RichTextBox controls to the groupHeader and set the following properties:
    Property Name Property Value
    Location 0, 0 in
    AutoReplaceFields True
    Name richTextBox1
    Location 0, 0.35 in
    AutoReplaceFields True
    Name richTextBox2

Add fields to the RichText control

  1. Double-click richTextBox1 control box, delete the default text, and add the following text to the richTextBox1 control box:
    Paste into the richTextBox1 control
    Copy Code
    OrderOrder ID: #[!OrderNumber],
     Hi [!Customer],
     Your order with order id #[!OrderNumber] has been shipped. The order will be delivered within 4-5 working days. Thank you for shopping with ACME Store.
     Order Detail:
  2. Similarly, add the following text to the richTextBox2 control box:
    Paste into the richTextBox2 control
    Copy Code
    John Doe
    (Sales Representative)
  3. Arrange the text and fields within the control as you would in any text editor.

    Note: You can add field to the RichTextBox control by

    1. Double click the control to open the edit mode.
      Insert Fields option in RTB
    2. Right-click and select Insert Field.
    3. Enter the field name and click OK.

Add code to update RichText fields

  1. On the design surface, double click the detail section band.
  2. Double-click in the group header section of the report to create an event-handling method for the group header's Format event.
  3. Add code to the handler to:
    • Replace the OrderNumber field in the RichText control with the current OrderNumber field value.
    • Replace the Customer field with the current Customer field value
      Example Title
      Copy Code
      //Use the OrderNumber Field Value
          richTextBox1.ReplaceField("OrderNumber", Fields["OrderNumber"].Value.ToString());
      //Use the Customer Field Value
          richTextBox1.ReplaceField("Customer", Fields["Customer"].Value.ToString());

Improve the appearance of the report and preview.

Mail merge with RTB

  1. Select all the textBoxes in the detail section then, right-click on the text box and go to Format Border and select the 5th preset in the first column to have a border line on top of the textBox as shown in the image below:
    Format Border
  2. Select all the textBoxes in the groupFooter section then, right-click on the text box and go to Format Border and select the 4th preset in the 1st column also, select the 2nd preset in the 1st column to have two border lines on the textbox controls(top and bottom) as shown in the image below:
See Also

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