ActiveReports 19 .NET Edition
Report Readers / Desktop Viewers / Windows Presentation Foundation Viewer
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    Windows Presentation Foundation Viewer
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    The ActiveReports provides the Windows Presentation Foundation Viewer application ActiveReports.WpfViewer.exe, which supports previewing all types of reports - Page, RDLX, and Section. The app can be launched by installing the ActiveReports installer package.

    You can run the application by selecting the ActiveReports 19 Viewer from the Start menu, or by running the ActiveReports.WpfViewer.exe from the C:\Program Files (x86)\MESCIUS\ActiveReports 19\Tools\ location.

    Report readers wanting to quickly preview a report in WPF platform can use WpfViewer. You just need to load the report you want to view in the viewer control. The WPF Viewer with a report loaded looks like the following.

    WPF Viewer

    The WPF viewer is basically a WPF application with an ActiveReports WPF Viewer control in it. The default user interface of this application provides an ActiveReports along with a menu bar.

    You can open an .rdlx or .rpx report in the standalone WPF Viewer application, by going to the File menu > Open menu option and selecting a report to load in the viewer. Unlike the Viewer control, no code implementation is required to load the report in the standalone application.

    Note: The toolbar customization through code is not available in the standalone WPF Viewer application.

    The WPF Viewer includes a toolbar and a sidebar with Thumbnails, Search results, Document map and Parameters panes.

    The WPF Viewer has a limitation in the continuous mode. In this mode, a report is always rendered on top of the WPF Viewer because the WinForms content always appears on top of the WPF content.

    Interface Elements

    Viewer Toolbar

    The following table lists the actions you can perform through the WPF Viewer toolbar. The toolbar allows you to perform the common or report-specific tasks on the report that is currently displayed.

    Toolbar Element Name Description
    Toggle Sidebar button Toggle sidebar Displays the sidebar that includes the Thumbnails, Parameters, Document map and Search results panes.
    Print button Print Displays the Print dialog where you can specify the printing options.
    Galley Mode button Galley mode

    Provides a viewer mode which removes automatic page breaks from a Report Definition Language (RDLX) and displays data in a single scrollable page. This mode maintains page breaks you create in the report.1

    Copy button Copy Copies text that you select in the Selection mode to the clipboard.
    Find button Find Displays the Find dialog to find any text in the report.
    Zoom Out button Zoom out Decreases the magnification of your report.
    Current Zoom button Current zoom Displays the current zoom percentage, which can also be edited.
    Zoom In button Zoom in Increases the magnification of your report.
    Fit Width button Fit width Fits the width of the page according to viewer dimensions.
    Fit Page button Fit page Fits the whole page within the current viewer dimensions.
    Single Page View button Single page view Shows one page at a time in the viewer.
    Continuous View button Continuous view Shows all preview pages one below the other.
    Multipage View button Multipage view Offers you an option to select how many pages to preview in the viewer at one time.
    First Page button Navigate to First Page Takes you to the first page of the report. This button is enabled when a page other than the first page is open.
    Previous Page button Navigate to Preceding Pages Takes you to the page prior to the current page. This button is enabled when a page other than the first page is open.
    Next Page button Navigate to Next pages Takes you to the page following the current page. This button is disabled on reaching the last page of the report.
    Last Page button Navigate to Last page Takes you to the last page of the report. This button is disabled on reaching the last page of the report.
    Current Page button Current page Opens a specific page in the report. To view a specific page, type the page number and press the Enter key.
    Backward button Backward Takes you to the last viewed page. This button is enabled when you move to any page from the initial report page. Clicking this button for the first time also enables the Forward button.
    Forward button Forward Takes you to last viewed page before you clicked the Backward button. This button is enabled once you click the Backward button.
    Back to Parent Report button Back to parent report Returns you to the parent report in a drillthrough report.
    Refresh button Refresh Refreshes the report.
    Cancel button Cancel Cancels the report rendering.

    1To view drillthrough reports in WPF Viewer, you need to turn off the Galley mode.

    Viewer Sidebar

    The Viewer sidebar appears on the left of the Viewer when you click the Toggle sidebar button in the toolbar. By default, the sidebar shows the Thumbnails and Search Results panes. The additional Document map and Parameters also appear in this sidebar. You can toggle between any of the viewer panes by clicking the buttons for each pane at the bottom of the sidebar.

    Thumbnails pane

    The Thumbnails pane appears by default in the sidebar when you click the Toggle sidebar button in the toolbar.

    This pane is composed of a thumbnail view of all the pages in a report. Click any thumbnail to navigate directly to the selected report page. You can also modify the size of the thumbnail using (+) or (-) button to zoom in and zoom out.

    WPF Viewer Thumbnails Pane

    Documents map pane

    The Documents Map pane is enabled for reports where the Label property or the Document map label is set. This pane displays the labels of the report sections (only for RDLX and RDLX Dashboard reports) as well as for the TabelOfContent, TextBox, SubReport, and other controls that you label by setting the Label property. The Document Map pane lets you easily navigate to the corresponding area of the report in the viewer by just clicking on the labels.

    WPF Viewer Document Map Pane

    If a report does not have the Label property or Document map label set, the Documents map panes does not appear in the sidebar.

    Search results pane

    The Search pane is the other default pane besides Thumbnails that appears in the sidebar when you click the Toggle sidebar button. This pane lets you enter a word or phrase from which to search within the report.

    WPF Viewer Search Pane

    To search in a report:

    1. Enter the word or phrase in the search field.
    2. Under Use these additional criteria, you may optionally choose to search for the whole word or match the case of the search string while searching in the report.
    3. Click the Search button to see the results appear in the Find results list.
    4. Click an item in the list to jump to that item in the report and highlight it.

    To start a new search or clear the current search results, click the Clear button under the Find results list.

    Parameters pane

    The Viewer allows you to view reports with parameters. In the toolbar, click the Toggle sidebar button to open the Viewer sidebar and if your report contains parameters, the Parameters pane shows up automatically.

    WPF Viewer Parameters Pane

    1. In the Parameters pane, you are prompted to enter a value by which to filter the data to display.
    2. Enter a value or set of values and click View report, to filter the report data and display the report.

    If a report does not have parameters, the Parameters pane does not appear in the sidebar.

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    The following shortcuts are available on the WPF Viewer.

    Keyboard Shortcut Action
    Ctrl + F Shows the search pane.
    Ctrl + P Shows the print dialog.
    Esc Closes the print dialog.
    Page Down Moves to the next page.
    Page Up Moves to the previous page.
    Ctrl + T Shows or hides the table of contents.
    Ctrl + Home Moves to the first page.
    Ctrl + End Moves to the last page.
    Ctrl + Right Navigates forward.
    Ctrl + Left Navigates backward.
    Ctrl + - Zooms out.
    Ctrl + + Zooms in.
    Left, Right, Up, Down Moves the visible area of the page in the corresponding direction.
    Ctrl + 0 (zero) Sets the zoom level to 100%.
    Ctrl + rotate mouse wheel Changes the zoom level up or down.
    Ctrl + G Moves the focus to current page toolbar option.
    Shift + rotate mouse wheel Scrolls horizontally.
    Rotate mouse wheel Scrolls vertically.
    F5 Refreshes the report.
    See Also
