Report Authors / Report Controls / Report Controls in Section Report / Chart / Line Chart
Line Chart

The Line Chart is a type of chart that displays information as a series of data points, connected by straight line segments.

2D Line Chart

Bezier Chart

Bezier Chart

Use a Bezier or spline chart to compare trends over a period of time or across categories. It is a line chart that plots curves through the data points in a series.

Bezier XY Chart

A Bezier XY chart connects DataPoints on X and Y with curved lines.


Simple 2D Line Chart

Use a 2D line chart to compare trends over a period of time or in certain categories in a 2D format.

2D Line Chart


Line XY Chart

Line XY Chart

A line XY chart plots points on the X and Y axes as one series and uses a line to connect points to each other.

3D Line Chart

Bezier Chart

Render a Bezier or Spline chart in 3D format.

Line Chart

3D Line Chart

Use a 3D line chart to compare trends over a period of time or in certain categories in a 3D format.

Caution: To view a chart in 3D, open the ChartArea Collection Editor in the ChartAreas property and set the ProjectionType property to Orthogonal.