To embed a subreport into a parent report, you add two reports (one parent and one child report) to a Visual Studio project, and from the ActiveReports 19 Section Report toolbox, drag the SubReport control onto the parent report. The following steps take you through the process of adding a subreport in a Section Report.
These steps assume that you have already added a Section Report (code-based) template in a Visual Studio project. Also refer this topic on Design Code-based Section Reports in .NET Core.
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste JUST ABOVE the ReportStart event. |
Copy Code
Dim rpt As rptYourChildReportName |
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste INSIDE the ReportStart event. |
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rpt = New rptYourChildReportName()
C# Code:
C# code. Paste JUST ABOVE the ReportStart event. |
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private rptYourChildReportName rpt;
C# code. Paste INSIDE the ReportStart event. |
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rpt = new rptYourChildReportName();
Visual Basic.NET code. Paste INSIDE the Format event. |
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Me.SubReport1.Report = rpt
C# code. Paste INSIDE the Format event. |
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this.subReport1.Report = rpt;