The page describes the Blazor Viewer API that can be used for initialization or at run time while working with the viewer.
Description: The initial render mode - 'Paginated' or 'Galley'. The default value is 'Paginated'.
Type: Enum: RenderMode
Accepted values: 'RenderMode.Paginated', 'RenderMode.Galley'
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" RenderMode="RenderMode.Paginated"/> |
Description: The object containing custom default export settings. Use to preset the export settings' default value and its visibility in the export panel.
Type: Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ExportSetting>>
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DefaultExportSettings="@defaultExportSettings"/> @code{ Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ExportSetting>> defaultExportSettings = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ExportSetting>>() { { "xls", new Dictionary<string, ExportSetting>(){ { "FileName", new ExportSetting() {Value = "ar", Visible = true} }, { "EnableToggles", new ExportSetting() {Value = false} } } } }; } |
Description: When set to 'true', the background color of the viewing area is filled with the report's body color. This property is available only for RDLX Dashboard reports.
Type: bool
Accepted values: 'true', 'false'
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" AutoBackgroundColor="true" /> |
Description: The array of export types available via export functionality of the viewer.
Type: ExportTypes[]
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" AvailableExports="availableExportArr"/> @code{ ExportTypes[] availableExportArr = new ExportTypes[] { ExportTypes.Pdf, ExportTypes.Xlsx, ExportTypes.Xls, ExportTypes.Json }; } |
Description: The locale used for displaying the viewer.
Type: String
Accepted values: 'en-US' (for English), 'ja-JP' (for Japanese), and 'zh-CN' (for Chinese)
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" Locale="ja-JP"/> |
Description: The JSON containing the localization strings.
Type: String
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" LocaleData="@_localeData" > @code{ string _localeData = "{\"viewer\": {\"toolbar\": {\"refresh\": \"更新\"} } }"; } |
Description: The url of the file containing the localization strings.
Type: String
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" LocaleUri="localization.json"/> |
Description: The location of the panels or panes (search pane, parameters pane, etc.) to the left side ('toolbar') or the right side ('sidebar') of the viewer. The default value is 'toolbar'.
Type: Enum: PanelsLocation
Accepted values: 'PanelsLocation.sidebar', 'PanelsLocation.toolbar'
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" PanelsLocation="PanelsLocation.toolbar" /> |
Description: Set the single page or continuous page mode for the viewer.
Type: Enum: ViewMode
Accepted values: 'ViewMode.Single', 'ViewMode.Continous'
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DisplayMode="ViewMode.Single" /> |
Description: The callback that is invoked before the viewer opens the hyperlink, bookmark link, drill-down report, or toggles the report control visibility.
Type: Method (string, object[])
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" Action="actionMethod" /> @code{ public void actionMethod(string actionType , object[] actionParams) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(actionType); foreach(var obj in actionParams) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(obj); } } } |
Description: The callback that is invoked when an error occurs in the process of displaying the report.
Type: Method(ErrorInfo obj)
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" Error="errorMethod" /> @code{ public void errorMethod(ErrorInfo obj) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error Message :" + obj.Message); } } |
Description: Specify whether to show errors in the viewer ('false' by default).
Type: bool
Accepted values: 'true', 'false'
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" HideErrors="true" /> |
Description: Set the zoom mode at which the report should open in the viewer.
Type: String
Accepted values: 'FitToPage', 'FitToWidth'
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" InitialZoomMode="@ZoomMode.FitToWidth"/> |
Description: Set the zoom level in percentage at which the report should open in the viewer. If you set this property to, for example, 100, then the InitialZoomMode is ignored.
Type: Integer
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" InitialZoomPercentage="50"/> |
The percentage value can range from 25 to 300.
Description: The callback that is invoked when a document is loaded entirely on the server.
Type: Method()
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ public void DocumentLoaded() { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Document Loaded"); } } |
Description: Set up the settings to connect the Web API.
Type: ReportServiceSettings object
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" ReportService="setting" /> @{ ReportServiceSettings setting = new ReportServiceSettings() { Url = "", SecurityToken = "security_Token", OnRequest = (OnRequestInfo obj) => { obj.Headers.Add("Authorization", "security_Token"); } }; } |
Description: The callback that is invoked when the viewer is initialized
Type: Method()
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" ViewerInitialized="InitializedViewer"/> @code{ private void InitializedViewer() { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Viewer is initailized now"); } } |
Description: The callback that is invoked when the viewer obtains the information about the requested report.
Type: Method(ReportInfo obj)
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" ReportLoaded="ReportLoaded"/> @code{ public void ReportLoaded(ReportInfo obj) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The report " + obj.Name + " was successfully loaded!"); } } |
Description: Set up the parameters panel or pane settings.
Type: ParametersPanelSettings object
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" ParametersPanelSettings="parametersPanelSetting"/> @code{ ParametersPanelSettings parametersPanelSetting = new ParametersPanelSettings() { Location = ParameterPanelLocation.Default, Open = ParameterPanelOpen.Always }; } |
Description: The viewer's sidebar instance. Use it to toggle the sidebar visibility.
Returns: Sidebar object
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" ViewerInitialized="InitializedViewer"/> @{ private ReportViewer _viewer; private void InitializedViewer() { Sidebar obj = _viewer.Sidebar; } } |
Description: The array of the {name, value} pairs that describe the values of the parameters used to run the report.
Type: Parameter[]
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" Parameters="parameterArray"/> @code{ Parameter[] parameterArray = new Parameter[] { new Parameter { Name = "Category", Values = new string[]{"Business" } } }; } |
Description: The name of the report to be shown by the viewer.
Type: String
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" /> @code{ private ReportViewer _viewer; private string _currentReport = null; protected override void OnInitialized() { reportsList = ReportsService.GetReports().ToList(); _currentReport = reportsList.FirstOrDefault(); } } |
Description: The width of the viewer, by default 100%.
Type: String
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" Width="50%"/> |
Description: The width of the viewer, by default 100%.
Type: String
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" Height="50%"/> |
Description: The viewer's toolbar instance. Use it to add the custom elements or remove the existing ones.
Returns: Toolbar object
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" ViewerInitialized="InitializedViewer"/> @{ private ReportViewer _viewer; private void InitializedViewer() { Toolbar obj = _viewer.Toolbar; } } |
Description: Sets the theme on the viewer. The theme can be set to a custom theme or a default theme.
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" Themes="@_themes"/> @code{ private static readonly ColorTheme _theme = new ColorTheme() { Name = "testTheme", BackgroundPanels = "#fdf7f1", BackgroundMain = "#fdf7f1", Primary = "blue", Secondary = "green", Neutral = "grey", Error = "red", Warning = "yellow", FontFamily = "'Open Sans', 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif", Type = ColorThemeType.light }; private readonly ThemeSettings _themes = new ThemeSettings() { InitialTheme = "testTheme", ThemeSelector = new ThemeSelector() { Enabled = true, AvailableThemes = new []{ ColorThemes.ActiveReportsDark, _theme, "default" } } }; } |
Description: Makes the viewer to display the parent report of the drill-down report.
Type: Method
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" ViewerInitialized="InitializedViewer"/> @code{ private ReportViewer _viewer; private void InitializedViewer() { await _viewer.BackToParrent(); } } |
Description: The currently displayed page number.
Type: Method
Returns: ValueTask<int>
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="@DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ private async void DocumentLoaded() { var currentPage = await _viewer.CurrentPage(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(currentPage); } } |
Description: Exports the currently displayed report.
Type: Method(ExportTypes, Action<string> callback = null, bool = false, Dictionary<string, string> settings = null, Func<bool> isCancelRequested = null, )
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Blazor.ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@reportId" DocumentLoaded=" @DocumentLoaded"/> @code { private ReportViewer _viewer; private string reportId = "User defined report columns.rdlx"; private async void DocumentLoaded() { await _viewer.Export(ExportTypes.Pdf, (uri) => { //uri to export result }, false, new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "Title", "Some Title" } }, () => { //hecking export cancellation return false; } ); } } |
Description: Obtains the report TOC.
Type: Method
Returns: ValueTask<BookmarkInfo>
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="@DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ private async void DocumentLoaded() { var toc = await _viewer.GetToc(); } } |
Description: Makes the viewer display the specific page. Page numeration starts with 1.
Type: int
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="@DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ private async void DocumentLoaded() { await _viewer.GoToPage(2); } } |
Description: Makes the viewer to display the parent report of the drill-down report.
Type: Method(string, Parameter[] = null)
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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_viewer.OpenReport("TestReport.rdlx"); OR Parameter[] parameterArray = new Parameter[] { new Parameter { Name = "Category", Values = new string[]{"Business" } } }; _viewer.OpenReport("TestReport.rdlx", parameterArray); |
Description: Gets the page count of the currently displayed report.
Type: Method
Returns: ValueTask<int>
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="@DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ private async void DocumentLoaded() { var countPage = await _viewer.PageCount(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(countPage); } } |
Description: Prints the currently displayed report if any.
Type: Method()
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="@DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ private async void DocumentLoaded() { await _viewer.Print(); } } |
Description: Refreshes the report preview.
Type: Method()
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="@DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ private async void DocumentLoaded() { await _viewer.Refresh(); } } |
Description: Performs the search of a specific term with specific search options (match case, whole word) and invokes the specific callback with the search result passed.
Type: Method(string, SearchOptions = null, Action<List<SearchResult>> = null)
Returns: Void
Sample code |
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<ReportViewer @ref="_viewer" ReportName="@_currentReport" DocumentLoaded="@DocumentLoaded"/> @code{ private async void DocumentLoaded() { //Searching ALFKI keyword in the report await _viewer.Search("ALFKI", new SearchOptions() { MatchCase = true, WholePhrase = false }, (List<SearchResult> results) => { if (results != null && results.Count > 0) { foreach (var res in results) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(res.DisplayText); } } }); } |