Developers / External Customizations in ActiveReports
External Customizations in ActiveReports

This article discusses the possibilities to use ActiveReports.NET with other technologies.

ActiveReports gives you opportunity to customize reports, viewers, and exports if you are looking for customization at different levels of using the product.


ActiveReports provides the following extension possibilities for reports:

ActiveReports provides many reports-related features. If you are looking for more possibilities, you can try the following extensions:


ActiveReports provides various ways to create your own preview control, including different platforms for custom viewers based on the JS Viewer component and the Blazor Viewer control.

The Custom Preview sample demonstrates how to create your own preview control and show report output in a custom preview form. You can find the Custom Preview sample here. You can modify both viewer's mouse mode and touch mode toolbars and set custom commands. You can also customize the Viewer control to make it a perfect fit for your Windows application by adding and removing toolbar buttons, adding and removing menu items, creating custom dialogs, and calling them from custom click events. For more information, see Customize the WinForms Viewer Control.

With the JS Viewer component and the Blazor Viewer control, you can implement your own preview control on many different platforms like:


You can create custom exports in your ActiveReports applications. ActiveReports provides a lot of various powerful exports that cover most situations.

However, you can write your own exports as demonstrated in the CustomPdfExport sample. It shows how to write custom exports for non-embedded fonts. Such tasks have some limitations because they are dependent on the internal API.

However, the simplest way is to write custom export to graphics-like formats: PDF, SVG, DrawingMLXPS, etc. More complex formats may require a lot of work.


ActiveReports delivers implementation solutions that can work in different environments. We recommend that you consider this logic when making a decision on what option to choose:


See Also