Developers / Create Designer and Viewer Applications / ASP.NET WebViewer Application / Customizing the WebViewer UI
Customizing the WebViewer UI

You can customize the WebViewer interface using JQuery methods. WebViewer control adds JQuery library in page scripts. Use the code in this walkthrough to add a button on the toolbar and add a client side PDF export implementation.

When you complete this walkthrough you get a WebViewer that looks similar to the following at run time.

Web Viewer

Load an ActiveReport to the Web application

  1. Create a new Visual Studio ASP.NET Web Forms application.
  2. Install MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Web package. Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution..., browse for the package and click Install.
  3. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Add > New Item.
  4. Select WebForm and click Add.
  5. Go to the Design view of the newly added WebForm.aspx and drag and drop the WebViewer control to the WebForm designer. The default viewer type is HTMLViewer.
  6. Load a report in the WebViewer by setting the ReportName property.
    Note: You may load any report, section or page in the HTMLViewer viewer type of WebViewer. See ASP.NET WebViewer Application for information on loading a report.

Add the jQuery library to the Web application project

In the Source view of the WebForm.aspx file, add the following code.

Add this code after the <head> tag
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<script src=""></script> 

Access the WebViewer view model

The HTML WebViewer is created using the MVVM pattern that provides a view model which does not depend on the UI. The code can access the Viewer's view model and bind the custom UI to it by using well-documented properties and methods. For MVVM support, the code can use knockout.js which is the standard MVVM library for JavaScript. Knockout.js provides declarative bindings, observable objects and collections in HTML markup.

Follow the steps below to access the ViewModel.

  1. In the Source view of the WebForm.aspx file, add a <script> tag.
  2. Add the following Javascript code for document's Onload event handler and WebViewer's Loaded event handler that gets fired when the UI is rendered on the Html Page:
    Paste the code into .aspx source
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    function viewer_loaded()              
    function document_onload()
    <body onload="document_onload()">
  3. Add the following Javascript code inside the viewer_loaded event handler to access WebViewer's view model:
    Paste the code into .aspx source
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    function viewer_loaded()
       var viewModel = GetWebViewer('ArWebViewerDiv_WebViewer1');
  4. Add the following Javascript code inside the document_onload event handler to bind WebViewer's Loaded event to client side viewer_loaded event:
    Paste the code into .aspx source
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    function document_onload()

Add a button to the WebViewer toolbar

In the Source view of the WebForms.aspx file, add the following Javascript code inside the viewer_loaded event handler to access the WebViewer toolbar. Lets add the custom button in the toolbar - an export button and add PDF export functionality to it.

Paste the code into .aspx source
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function viewer_loaded()
    var viewModel = GetWebViewer('ArWebViewerDiv_WebViewer1');      
    var pdfExportButton = {
        key: '$pdfExportButtonKey',
        text: 'To PDF',
    iconCssClass: 'mdi mdi-file-pdf',
        enabled: true,
        action: function (item) {
            console.log('Export to PDF function works here');
        onUpdate: function (arg, item) {
            console.log(The Viewer UI was updated, check/update button state here');

The complete code for WebForm1.aspx in the Source view is as shown:

Paste the code into .aspx source
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<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebForm1" %>      
<%@ Register assembly="MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Web" namespace="GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web" tagprefix="ActiveReportsWeb" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>      
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<body onload="document_onload()">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <ActiveReportsWeb:WebViewer ID="WebViewer1" runat="server" height="466px" width="667px" ReportName="AllCustomers.rdlx">
    <script src="">
        function viewer_loaded() {
            var viewModel = GetWebViewer('ArWebViewerDiv_WebViewer1');
            var pdfExportButton = {
                key: '$pdfExportButtonKey',
                text: 'To PDF',
                iconCssClass: 'mdi mdi-file-pdf',
                enabled: true,
                action: function (item) {
                    console.log('Export to PDF function works here');
                onUpdate: function (arg, item) {
                    console.log('Something in viewer was updated, check/update button state here');
        function document_onload() {

To remove a button from the viewer's UI

Paste the code into .aspx source
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function viewer_loaded()
    var viewModel = GetWebViewer('ArWebViewerDiv_WebViewer1');
    viewModel.toolbar.desktop.removeItem($newButtonKey); //(key of the button)


  • Replace 'WebViewer1' in the code snippets above, with the actual ID of the WebViewer control in your application.
  • When trying to get access of a WebViewer using GetWebViewer method, we should add 'ArWebViewerDiv_' prefix before the WebViewer ID.
  • In case you provide report name which contains special symbols (like backslash '\'), e.g. webViewer.ReportName="Folder\Report.rdlx", you need to update the web.config file to allow such characters. Otherwise, "Report not found" error occurs. Please see Troubleshooting on resolving this issue.
  • If your report has parameters, you can choose to set the parameters pane position to the top of the viewer using the ParametersPanelLocation to 'Top'.