Developers / Print Reports / Print in Js Viewer
Print in Js Viewer

Js Viewer provides several options for printing a report. This topic describes several ways in which a report can be printed in Js Viewer.

Print with Preview

Print report when the report is completely loaded in the viewer, using print() method.

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var viewer;
function loadViewer() {
    viewer = GrapeCity.ActiveReports.JSViewer.create({
        element: '#viewerContainer',
        reportID: 'Report.rdlx',
        documentLoaded: () => viewer.print()


Print without Preview

Print report without previewing using 'global' print() method. This is same as the default button in Js Viewer, but without showing report preview.
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GrapeCity.ActiveReports.JSViewer.print({ reportID:'Report.rdlx'});


Preview Report and Print to PDF

Open the report and export it to PDF with PrintOnOpen parameter set to 'true'. In this case, the exported PDF opens in new window of the browser, and the print dialog is displayed.

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var viewer;
function loadViewer() {
    viewer = GrapeCity.ActiveReports.JSViewer.create({
        element: '#viewerContainer',
        reportID: 'Report.rdlx',
        documentLoaded: () => viewer.export('Pdf', null, true, { PrintOnOpen: 'true' })


Print to PDF

Export the report to PDF using 'global' export() method and enable the PrintOnOpen option. In this case, the report is not opened.
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    reportID: 'Report.rdlx', exportType: 'Pdf', settings: { PrintOnOpen: 'true' },
    callback: (args) => { }


  • For Section Reports, use OnlyForPrint instead of PrintOnOpen (for backward compatibility). For Page and RDLX reports (.rdlx), anyone of PrintOnOpen or OnlyForPrint can be used.
  • Use latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Chrome-based Edge for the described print features to work correctly.

See Also