ActiveReports 18 .NET Edition
Developers / Work with Reports using Code / Visual Studio Integrated Designer / Report Menu
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    Report Menu
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    The Report menu provides access to common reporting operations. To show the Report Menu in the Visual Studio menu bar, select the Design View of the report in the ActiveReports Designer. This menu does not appear in the menu bar when the report is not selected.

    The following drop-down sections describe the Report menu items. Menu items differ based on the type of report layout in use.

    Note: The Report menu in Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2022 is available as submenu under Extensions.

    Report Menu for Section Reports

    Menu Item Description
    Save Layout Opens the Save As dialog to save the newly created report in RPX file format.
    Load Layout Opens the Open dialog where you can navigate to any RPX file and open it in the designer. Note that any changes to the current report are lost, as the layout file replaces the current report in the designer.
    Data Source Opens the Report Data Source dialog to bind a data source to the report.
    Settings Opens the Report Settings dialog.
    • Designer
    • Script
    • Preview
    Opens the Designer, Script or Preview tab. See Designer Tabs for more details.

    Report Menu for Page and RDLX reports

    Menu Item Description
    Save Layout Opens the Save As dialog to save the newly created report in RDLX file format.
    Load Layout Opens the Open dialog where you can navigate to any RDLX, RDLX, RDLX-master file and open it in the designer. Note that any changes to the current report are lost, as the layout file replaces the current report in the designer.
    Convert to Master Report (RDLX Reports only)

    Converts an RDLX Report to a Master Report.

    It disappears from the Report menu when a master report is applied to the report through Set Master Report. See Master Report (RDLX Report) for more details.

    Report Parameters Opens the Report dialog to the Parameters page where you can manage, add and delete parameters.
    Embedded Images Opens the Report dialog to the Images page, where you can select images to embed in a report. Once you add images to the collection, they appear in the Report Explorer under the Embedded Images node.
    Report Properties Opens the Report dialog to the General page where you can set report properties such as the author, description, page header and footer properties, and grid spacing.
    Stylesheet Editor Opens the Stylesheet Editor dialog, where you can create, edit or remove styles. You can also embed these styles in a style sheet or save them externally in *.rdlx-styles format. Embedded style sheets appear under the Embedded Stylesheets node in the Report Explorer.
    Report Parts Opens the Exported Report Parts dialog, where you can add or remove report parts. You can also modify the added report part properties, exposed in the dialog. See Report Parts for details.
    Set Master Report (RDLX Reports only)                           
    • Open Local File

    Select Open Local File option to open the Open dialog, and then select a master report.

    • Designer
    • Script
    • Preview
    Opens the Designer, Script or Preview tab. See Designer Tabs for more details.
    Page Header (RDLX Reports only) Toggles the report Page Header on or off.
    Page Footer (RDLX Reports only) Toggles the report Page Footer on or off.
    See Also