ActiveReports 18 .NET Edition
Developers / Export Reports
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    Export Reports
    In This Topic

    In this section, learn about the independent ways to export a report to different formats, and some export implementations.

    Use the Render method in Rendering Extensions of the PageDocument class to render Page report and RDLX report to Image, Html, Pdf, Xml, Word, and Excel and other formats. For more information, see Export Page/RDLX Reports.

    Use the Export method of the corresponding ExportFilter class to export a Section report, Page report, and RDLX report. Exporting in Section Report is only possible through Export Filters. For more information about Export Filters in Section Reports, see Export Section Reports.

    Use the PrintPresets class to export a Section report, Page report, and RDLX Report. The print preset properties are only available with the Professional Edition license. For more information about Export Filters in Section Reports, see Print Reports.


    Note: In ASP.NET Core applications, supported export formats are - Excel (.xlsx), Word (.docx), PDF, CSV, JSON, and TIFF.

    For more information on the supported export formats, see Exports.