ActiveReports 19 .NET Edition
Report Readers / Desktop Viewers / Export in Desktop Viewers
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    Export in Desktop Viewers
    In This Topic

    Your application with the ActiveReports Viewer can contain any exports with any available dialogs. You can export your reports from ActiveReports Viewers to various formats, depending on the report type. This topic discusses all possible export options.

    Note: As export options are customizable, the Export dialog may display a different list of export options.

    To export a report in the Viewer, go to File menu and select Export (Ctrl+E).

    Viewer Export Dialog

    Below you can find full information on properties of each export format option.

    Page/RDLX reports

    For Page and RDLX reports, the following export formats are available.   

    For RDLX Dashboard reports, the following formats are available.

    Portable Document Format (PDF)

    Portable Document Format (PDF) is a format recommended for printing and for preserving formatting.

    PDF is considered as the best format for printing and it also supports interactive features like Document Map, Bookmarks and Hyperlinks. However, in case you have any data hidden (like in a drill-down report) at the time of rendering, it does not show up in the output.

    PDF Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Application Set the value that appears for application in the Document Properties dialog of the PDF viewer application.
    Author Enter the name of the author to appear in the Document Properties dialog of the PDF viewer application.
    CenterWindow Set to True to position the document's window in the center of the screen.
    DisplayMode Specifies how the document is displayed when opened. FullScreen mode displays the document with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible.
    DisplayTitle Set to True to display text you enter in the Title property. When set to False it displays the name of the PDF file.
    DocumentToAddAfterReport Indicates the path of the PDF document to be inserted at the end of the rendering output.
    DocumentToAddBeforeReport Indicates the path of the PDF document to be inserted at the beginning of the rendering output.
    DpiX Set the horizontal resolution of the rendered PDF file.
    DpiY Set the vertical resolution of the rendered PDF file.

    Select how the fonts used in the report should be embedded in the PDF document.

    Note: By default, all fonts get embedded in the exported PDF document.

    Encrypt Determines whether the document is encrypted or not.
    Note: If Encrypt is set to False, permissions and passwords have no effect. 
    EndPage The last page of the report to render. The default value is the value for StartPage, that is, 0.  
    FallbackFonts Gets or sets a comma-delimited string of font families to locate missing glyphs from the original font.
    FitWindow True to resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page. Default value: false.
    HideMenubar True to hide the viewer application’s menu bar when the document is active. Default value: false.  
    HideToolbar True to hide the viewer application’s toolbars when the document is active. Default value: false.
    HideWindowUI True to hide user interface elements in the document’s window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document’s contents displayed. Default value: false.
    ImageInterpolation Interpolation value of images. Allows to enable/disable image interpolation, when exporting the file to PDF.
    Keywords Keywords associated with the document. 
    NeverEmbedFonts Gets or sets the semicolon-delimited string of the font families to be embedded in the PDF document.
    OwnerPassword The owner password that can be entered in the reader that permits full access to the document regardless of the specified user permissions.  
    PageHeight The page height value, in inches, to set for the report. You must include an integer or decimal value followed by "in" (for example, 1in). This value overrides the report's original settings.  
    PageWidth The page width value, in inches, to set for the report. You must include an integer or decimal value followed by "in" (for example, 1in). This value overrides the report's original settings.
    Pagination Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to use pagination in the exported PDF document.
    Permissions Specifies the user permissions for the document. Permissions can be combined using a comma between values.
    PrintLayoutMode Specifies layout mode to be used for PDF document.
    PrintOnOpen Gets or sets the value indicating whether the document should be printed after open.
    PrintPresets Gets or sets the PDF print preset dialog.
    SizeToFit Determines whether PDF pages are fit to the selected paper size or not.
    StartPage The first page of the report to render. A value of 0 indicates that all pages are rendered.
    Subject The subject of the document.
    Title The title of the document.
    UserPassword The user password that can be entered in the reader. If this value is left empty, the user will not be prompted for a password, however the user will be restricted by the specified permissions.
    Version Set the PDF version. The supported versions are:
    PDF-1.2 | PDF-1.3 | PDF-1.4(default) | PDF-1.5 | PDF-1.6 | PDF-1.7 | PDF-2.0 | PDF/A-1a | PDF/A-1b | PDF/A-2a | PDF/A-2b | PDF/A-2u | PDF/A-3a | PDF/A-3b | PDF/A-3u | PDF/UA-1
    WatermarkAngle Specify the degree of angle for the watermark text on the PDF document. Valid values range from 0 to 359, where 0 is horizontal, left to right.
    WatermarkColor Select a color for the watermark text on the PDF document. The default value for the watermark color is gray, but you can select any Web, System, or Custom color.
    WatermarkFontName Set the font to use for the watermark on the PDF document.
    WatermarkFontSize Set the font size to use for the watermark on the PDF document.
    WatermarkFontStyle Set the font style to use for the watermark on the PDF document.
    WatermarkPrintOnly Specify whether to print a report with a watermark on it. The default value is False.

    Enter text (i.e. CONFIDENTIAL) to use as the watermark on the PDF document.

    Microsoft Excel WorkSheet (XLS, XLSX)

    You can export excel files in two formats: Xls and Xlsx. XLSX is a format that opens in Microsoft Excel as a spreadsheet. This export does not render reports exactly as they appear in the Viewer due to inherent differences in the formats. The XLSX export filter has a number of useful properties that allow you to control your output. 

    Reports rendered in Excel support a number of interactive features like Bookmarks and Hyperlinks. However, in case you have any data hidden at the time of rendering (like in a drill-down report), it does not show up in the output. It is recommended that you expand all toggle items prior to rendering.

    Excel Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Author Gets or sets the name of the author of the document.
    Categories Sets the name of the categories that appears in the Categories field in the Properties of the exported Excel document.
    FileFormat Specifies the output format of the Excel document, i.e. Xls or Xlsx.

    Specifies the level of Open XML document conformance on exporting in Xlsx file format. You can choose from the following values:

    • Strict: The default value.
    • Transitional: The Excel file generated by scheduled task execution using Strict (the default value of OpenXMLStandard) cannot be viewed on IOS devices.
    PageSettings Initializes Excel file print settings: PageOrientation and PaperSize.
    Pagination Forces pagination or galley report layout mode.

    Shows direction of sheets from right to left.

    Security Initializes the document security.

    Indicates how to split the report pages into the excel sheets. You can choose from the following modes:

    • PagePerSheet: Each report page is exported to a separate excel sheet
    • SectionPerSheet: Each report section is exported to a separate excel sheet
    • SingleSheet: Entire report is exported to a single excel sheet
    SheetName Indicates the name of the sheet.
    Title Gets or sets the title of the document.
    UseCompression Indicates whether to use compression when exporting document to an Xlsx file.
    UseDefaultPalette Indicates whether to export the document with the default Excel palette.

    Microsoft Excel WorkSheet - Data (CSV, XLSX)

    You can export excel files in two formats, Xlsx and Csv.

    Excel Data exports only data from Tablix, Table, and Matrix data regions, preserving the data region structure and ignoring layout-related features (page break, cumulative total, etc). Other controls and data regions of the original report are ignored at this export.

    Note: If a report does not contain any data region (Table or Tablix), a Csv file is not generated.

    For the Xlsx format, when a report has multiple data regions, each data region is exported to a separate excel sheet.

    For the Csv format, a separate CSV file is created for each data region, available in the report.

    Excel Data Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Csv Csv related properties. See Csv Rendering Properties below.
    FileFormat Indicates whether to use Csv or OpenXml format for the output file.
    Xlsx OpenXml related properties. See Xlsx Rendering Properties below.

    Csv Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    ColumnsDelimiter Sets or returns the text inserted between columns.
    DateTimeFormat Specifies the default format for date values.
    Encoding Specifies the encoding schema for output.
    NoHeader Specifies whether to omit the CSV Header.
    NumericFormat Specifies the default format for numeric values.
    QuotationSymbol Sets or returns the qualifier character to put around results.
    RowsDelimiter Sets or returns the text inserted between rows.

    Xlsx Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    AllowImages Indicates whether to allow images or just plain data content.


     Gets or sets the name of the author of the document.

    AutoRowsHeight Indicates whether to export rows height or specify auto height.

    Sets the name of the categories that appears in the Categories field in the Properties of the exported Excel document.


    Specifies the level of Open XML document conformance on exporting in Xlsx file format. You can choose from the following values:

    • Strict: The default value.
    • Transitional: The Excel file generated by scheduled task execution using Strict (the default value of OpenXMLStandard) cannot be viewed on IOS devices.

    Shows direction of sheets from right to left.

    Security Sets the document encryption and security.
    Title Gets or sets the title of the document.
    UseCompression Indicates whether to use compression on exporting to an Xlsx file.

    Microsoft Word Document (DOC, DOCX)

    You can export Page reports and RDLX reports to Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) format (.Docx) or Word HTML format (.Doc) using the FileFormat property.

    The Word HTML format (.Doc) provides greater layout accuracy for Page and RDLX Reports in Microsoft Word, while the OOXML format (.Docx) provides excellent editing experience for the exported reports.

    Note: OOXML and Word HTML formats have a great difference: while Word HTML is almost WYSIWYG, OOXML allows editing and has a number of limitations. To learn about the limitations for both Word HTML and OOXML, see Word Export.

    The OOXML format (.Docx) is recommended in the following scenarios:

    Word Rendering Properties

    Common properties

    Property Description
    Author Sets the name of the author that appears in the Author field of the Properties dialog in the rendered Word document.
    Categories Sets the name of the categories that appears in the Categories field in the Properties of the exported Word document.
    FileFormat Sets the output file format to HTML (.Doc) or Office Open XML (OOXML) (.Docx). By default the file format is set to HTML format.
    Title Sets the title for a document that appears in the Title field of properties dialog in the rendered Word document.

    HTML format

    Property Description
    BaseUrl Sets the base URL for any relative hyperlinks that appear in the Hyperlink base field of the Properties dialog in the rendered Word document.
    Generator Sets the identity of the document generator in the rendered Word document.
    PageHeight Sets the height of the report pages in inches for the rendered Word document. The value in this property overrides the original settings in the report.
    PageWidth Sets the width of the report pages in inches for the rendered Word document. The value in this property overrides the original settings in the report.

    OOXML format

    Property Description
    CompanyName Sets the name of the organization or company that appears in the Company field of Properties dialog in the rendered Word document.

    Sets the compatibility mode of the document to previous versions (Microsoft Word 2007 - 2013) of Word. By default the compatibility version is set to Word2013. 

    DpiX Sets the horizontal resolution of the images in the rendered Word document. By default DpiX is set to 96.
    DpiY Sets the vertical resolution of the images in the rendered Word document. By default DpiY is set to 96.

    Initializes Word document print settings wrt. PageOrientation and PaperSize.

    • PageOrientation: sets a value that specifies whether the document pages should be printed in portrait or landscape in the rendered Word document.
    • PaperSize sets the paper size for the page.

    Sets the document encryption and security.

    • Password: Sets a password that must be provided to open the rendered Word document.
    • ReadOnlyRecommended: Sets a value that indicates whether Microsoft Office Word displays a message whenever a user opens the document, suggesting that the document is read-only.
    • WritePassword: Sets the write password that is required for saving changes in the rendered Word document.
    TOCAutoUpdate Automatically updates the TableOfContents control while opening the Word document. By default TOCAutoUpdate is set to False. 

    Comma-separated values (CSV)

    Comma-Separated Values (CSV) is a form of structured data in a plain text. The text in a CSV file is saved as series of values separated by comma.

    CSV Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    ColumnsDelimiter Sets or returns the text inserted between columns.
    DateTimeFormat Specifies the default format for date values, for example, 'yyyy-MM-dd'.
    Encoding Specifies the encoding schema for output.
    NoHeader Specifies whether to omit the CSV Header.
    NumericFormat Specifies the format for numeric values, for example, '0.####'.  
    QuotationMode Specifies whether to add double quotes to the exported data.
    • AutoQuote – Simple values are exported without quotes. The quotes are added only when the data contains column or row delimiters. This is the default export behavior.
    • AlwaysQuote – Exported values are always quoted.
    QuotationSymbol Sets or returns the qualifier character to put around results.
    RowsDelimiter Sets or returns the text inserted between rows.

    JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

    JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a text-based data format in which the data is stored in the hierarchical form.

    JSON Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Formatted Specifies whether to format the file with tabs and spaces for readability.
    QuotePropertyNames Specifies whether to enclose property names in quotation marks.

    Image Format (BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG)

    Image Format option converts your report to an image file. Make sure that you select the ImageType property to any of the image formats available: BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG.

    By default, a separate file is created for each page in a report and an index to each corresponding file name is added (for example, image001.PNG, image002.PNG, etc).

    Reports rendered as images do not support any of the interactive features of ActiveReports reports. Any data hidden at the time of export is hidden in the image.

    Note: To render the entire report as a single image, set the Pagination property to False.

    Image Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Compression Sets or returns a value which specifies the compression to be used when exporting.
    Dither Specifies whether the TIFF image should be dithered when saving to a black and white output format, like CCITT3 or Rle. This property has no effect if the CompressionScheme property is set to Lzw or None(represents color output).
    DpiX Adjust the horizontal resolution of rendered images. The default value is 200.
    DpiY Adjust the vertical resolution of rendered images. The default value is 200.
    ImageType Select the type of image to which you want to render the report. Supported types are BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG.
    Pagination By default, each page of a report is rendered as a separate image. Set this value to False to render the entire report as a single image.
    Quality Gets or sets the quality of the report to be rendered as a JPEG image.

    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

    HTML, or hypertext markup language, is a format that opens in a Web browser. You can export your reports to HTML format. It is a good format for delivering content because virtually all users have an HTML browser.

    Reports rendered in HTML support a number of interactive features. Hyperlinks, Bookmarks and Drill through links can be rendered to HTML. However, Document Maps are not available in this format. For a drill down report, make sure that the data you want to display is expanded before rendering, otherwise it renders in the hidden state.

    Note: HTML is not the best format for printing. Use the PDF rendering extension instead.

    HTML Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    EmbedImages Set to true to embed image in the html file.
    Fragment Determine whether or not the full html text will be returned or just the contents contained inside the body tag will be returned. True indicates only the content inside the body tag will be return; otherwise false. The default is False.
    OutputTOC Indicates whether the report's existing TOC should be added in the output.
    RenderingEngine The RenderingEngine property is set to Mixed by default for improved quality output. The choices are Html or Mixed, where Mixed uses SVG to render charts.
    StyleStream Set the StyleStream to True to create an external .css file containing style information from your report controls' style properties. If you prefer to have style information embedded in the HTML file, set the StyleStream property to False.
    LinkTarget Specify a link target to control whether drill down reports and other links open in a new window or reuse the current window. By default, no value is set and links open in the same window. A value of _blank opens the link in a new window, or you can specify a window using window_name. By default this value is not set.
    Mode Galley mode renders the report in one HTML stream. Select Paginated mode to render each page as a section inside the HTML document.

    MIME Hypertext Markup Language (MHT)

    The MHT file extension refers to MIME HTML documents, a format for archiving web pages saved by web browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox. MHT files can contain resources like images, flash, java, audio, external links and html code. At that, MHT files contain all elements within a single file.

    MHT Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Fragment Set to True to return only the contents inside the body tags (to embed it within a Web page). Set to False to return the full HTML text.
    Output TOC Indicates whether to include a table of contents, if available, in the exported report.
    Mode Select Paginated to render each page as a section inside the HTML document, with page headers and footers. The Galley mode renders one long page with a single page header and footer.
    Link Target Enter a value of a target for hyperlinks contained inside a report. A value of _blank opens a new window; _self opens in the same window.

    Rich Text Format (RTF)

    Note: The RTF export, otherwise supported only in Section reports, is possible in Page/RDLX reports too since this export uses the section report document (RDF format) internally.

    RTF or RichText format, opens in Microsoft Word, and is native to WordPad. This export does not render reports exactly as they appear in the Viewer due to inherent differences in the formats.

    RTF Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    EnableShapes Indicates whether to export the Shapes and Lines to the RTF format if set to True. Microsoft Word is required to view it correctly.
    Pagination Indicates whether to use pagination for the output RTF document.

    eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

    XML is a useful format for delivering data to other applications as the resulting XML file opens in an internet browser. 

    XML format does not support interactive features except that when rendering a report to XML, complete drill-down data is shown regardless of whether the data is rendered in expanded state or not. 

    Xml Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Encoding Select the encoding schema to use in the XML transformation.

    Select the existing XSL Stylesheet file to use to transform the resulting XML file. Note: When using the XslStylesheet option, be sure to save the file in the correct file format, such as HTML.

    Text Print (TXT)

    Text Print is a format recommended for printing the reports with Table and Tablix data regions in the tabular format, preserving the grouping, layout, and formatting.

    Xml Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    CharHeight Specifies the character height in points.

    Specifies the character width in points.


    Specifies the monospace font family. You can choose from Consolas, Courier New, and Lucida Console.

    FontSize Specifies the font height in points. Recommended values are: 11 for Consolas, 10 for Courier New, and 10 for Lucida Console.

    Specifies the horizontal padding:

    • Keep: Retain the original padding
    • Adjust: Adjust the padding
    • Remove: Remove the padding
    LineEnding Specifies the end of a line.

    Section Reports

    For Section reports, you can use these export format options.   

    PDF Document Format (PDF) (Section report)

    PDF Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    ConvertMetaToPng Sets or returns a value indicating whether Windows metafiles are converted to PNG files in the exported PDF document. 
    ExportBookmarks Sets or returns a value indicating whether bookmarks are exported to the PDF document.
    FontFallback Gets or sets a comma-delimited string of font families that will be used to lookup glyphs missing in the original font.
    ImageInterpolation Specifies the images interpolation value. Allows to enable/disable image interpolation, when exporting the file to PDF.
    ImageQuality Specifies the quality used for any images that are converted by ActiveReports. Note that if a JPG image is used in the report, it is written directly to PDF without any conversion. Other image formats may incur a conversion, which this value will effect.
    ImageResolution Sets or returns the resolution of images converted from metafiles. 

    Sets or returns a semicolon-delimited string of values indicating fonts that should not be embedded in a PDF document.

    Note: When you add fonts to NeverEmbedFonts property, 2 bytes characters may be distorted in PDF output since the export filter in such cases uses the glyphs from the default system font.

    Options Returns an object allowing you to specify viewer preferences and document information options for the exported PDF document. 
    Application Set the value that appears for application in the Document Properties dialog of the PDF viewer application.
    Author Enter the name of the author to appear in the Document Properties dialog of the PDF viewer application.
    CenterWindow Set to True to position the document's window in the center of the screen.

    Select how to display bookmarks when the document is first opened.

    • None (default) bookmarks are not displayed until opened by the user.
    • Outlines shows bookmarks in outline format.
    • Thumbs shows bookmarks as thumbnails.
    • FullScreen shows the document in full screen, and bookmarks are not displayed.
    DisplayTitle Set to True to display text you enter in the Title property. When set to False it displays the name of the PDF file.
    FitWindow True to resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page. Default value: false.
    HideMenubar True to hide the viewer application’s menu bar when the document is active. Default value: false.  
    HideToolbar True to hide the viewer application’s toolbars when the document is active. Default value: false.
    HideWindowUI True to hide user interface elements in the document’s window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document’s contents displayed. Default value: false.
    Keywords Keywords associated with the document. 
    OnlyForPrint Indicates whether the PDF is only for print. 
    Subject The subject of the document.
    Title The title of the document.
    PrintPresets Returns an object allowing you to specify the print presets. 
    Security Returns the PdfSecurity object for initializing document encryption and security.
    Encrypt Determines whether the document is encrypted or not.
    Note: If Encrypt is set to False, permissions and passwords have no effect. 
    OwnerPassword The owner password that can be entered in the reader that permits full access to the document regardless of the specified user permissions.  
    Permissions Specifies the user permissions for the document. Permissions can be combined using a comma between values.
    UserPassword The user password that can be entered in the reader. If this value is left empty, the user will not be prompted for a password, however the user will be restricted by the specified permissions.
    Version Sets or returns the version of the PDF format the exported document is saved in.
    Pagination Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to use pagination in the exported PDF document. This property is only useful for Page/RDLX reports exports through RDF and does not affect a section report.
    Watermark Specifies whether a report is exported to PDF with a watermark on it.

    Microsoft Excel Workbook (XLS, XLSX) (Section report)

    Excel Rendering Properties

    Property Description

    Sets the height of rows based on the contents. Otherwise, XlsExport calculates the height of rows.

    DisplayGridLines Indicated whether to export the document with grid lines.
    MinColumnWidth Specifies the minimum width (in inches) of the column in the exported document. 

    Specifies the minimum height (in inches) of the row in the exported document.

    PageSettings Initializes Excel file print settings: PageOrientation and PaperSize.
    Pagination Forces pagination or galley report layout mode. This property is only useful for Page/RDLX reports exports through RDF and does not affect a section report.
    RemoveVerticalSpace Specifies whether to completely remove empty vertical spacing from the output.

    Shows direction of sheets from right to left.

    SheetName Specifies the name of the sheet.
    Security Initializes the document security.
    UseDefaultPalette Indicates whether to export the document with the default Excel palette.
    FileFormat Specifies the output format of the Excel document, i.e. Xls or Xlsx.

    Specifies the level of Open XML document conformance on exporting in Xlsx file format. You can choose from the following values:

    • Strict: The default value.
    • Transitional: The Excel file generated by scheduled task execution using Strict (the default value of OpenXMLStandard) cannot be viewed on IOS devices.               
    MultiSheet Indicates whether to generate a single-sheet or multi-sheet Excel document.
    EnableToggles Allows to export collapsible rows in the detail and row groups of the Table control of an RDLX report. This property gets displayed in the Export menu when the Pagination property is set to False
    UseCellMerging Set to True to merge the cells together.
    UseCompression Indicates whether to use compression on exporting an Xlsx file.

    Hypertext Markup Language (Section report)

    HTML Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    BookmarkStyle Sets or returns a value indicating whether to create a page of bookmarks if the ActiveReports document contains bookmarks. 
    CharacterSet Sets or returns the character set encoding that will be used in the exported HTML pages.
    CreateFramesetPage Sets or returns a value indicating whether the HTML pages appear in a frame set.  If set to True, any bookmark entries appear on the left, and the report document contents appear on the right. The resulting file will use the specified filename with the extension ".frame.html".
    IncludeHtmlHeader Sets or returns a value indicating whether the exported HTML files will include normal HTML page headers such as the HTML, HEAD, and BODY elements.
    IncludePageMargins Sets or returns a value indicating whether the page's margins are included in the output.
    MultiPage Sets or returns a value indicating whether multiple HTML pages are generated for the document.
    Output Type Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document will be exported as DHTML or HTML.
    Pagination Gets or sets the value, that indicates whether to use pagination for the resultant html document. This property is only useful for Page/RDLX reports exports through RDF and does not affect a section report.
    RemoveVerticalSpace Sets or returns a value indicating whether to completely remove empty vertical spacing from the output.
    Title Sets or returns the Title used in the header of HTML pages.

    MIME Hypertext Markup Language (MHT) (Section report)

    The MHT file extension refers to MIME HTML documents, a format for archiving web pages saved by web browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox. MHT files can contain resources like images, flash, java, audio, external links and html code. At that, MHT files contain all elements within a single file.

    MHT Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    BookmarkStyle Sets or returns a value indicating whether to create a page of bookmarks if the ActiveReports document contains bookmarks. 
    CharacterSet Sets or returns the character set encoding that will be used in the exported HTML pages.
    CreateFramesetPage Sets or returns a value indicating whether the HTML pages appear in a frame set.  If set to True, any bookmark entries appear on the left, and the report document contents appear on the right. The resulting file will use the specified filename with the extension ".frame.html".
    IncludeHtmlHeader Sets or returns a value indicating whether the exported HTML files will include normal HTML page headers such as the HTML, HEAD, and BODY elements.
    IncludePageMargins Sets or returns a value indicating whether the page's margins are included in the output.
    MultiPage Sets or returns a value indicating whether multiple HTML pages are generated for the document.
    Output Type Gets or sets a value indicating whether the document will be exported as DHTML or HTML.
    Pagination Gets or sets the value, that indicates whether to use pagination for the resultant html document. This property is only useful for Page/RDLX reports exports through RDF and does not affect a section report.
    RemoveVerticalSpace Sets or returns a value indicating whether to completely remove empty vertical spacing from the output.
    Title Sets or returns the Title used in the header of HTML pages.

    Rich Text Format (RTF) (Section report)

    RTF, or RichText format, opens in Microsoft Word, and is native to WordPad. This export does not render reports exactly as they appear in the Viewer due to inherent differences in the formats.

    RTF Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    EnableShapes Indicates whether to export the Shapes and Lines to the RTF format if set to True. Microsoft Word is required to view it correctly.
    Pagination Indicates whether to use pagination for the output RTF document. This property is only useful for Page/RDLX reports exports through RDF and does not affect a section report.

    Tagged Image Format (TIFF) (Section report)

    TIFF Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    CompressionScheme Specifies the compression scheme to be used when exporting a TIFF file.
    Dither Specifies whether the image should be dithered when saving to a black and white output format, like CCITT3 or Rle. This property has no effect if the CompressionScheme property is set to Lzw or None(represents color output).
    DpiX Adjust the horizontal resolution of rendered images. The default value is 96.
    DpiY Adjust the vertical resolution of rendered images.
    Pagination By default, each page of a report is rendered as a separate image. Set this value to False to render the entire report as a single image. This property is only useful for Page/RDLX reports exports through RDF and does not affect a section report.

    Plain Text (TXT) (Section report)

    Export your ActiveReports documents to plain text.

    TXT Rendering Properties

    Property Description
    Encoding Gets or sets the character encoding used for the exported text.
    PageDelimiter Gets or sets the character or sequence of characters that marks the beginning or end of a page.
    QuotationMode Specifies whether to add double quotes to the exported data.
    QuotationSymbol Gets or sets the quotation symbol.
    SuppressEmptyLines Gets or sets a value which determines whether empty lines will be inserted for layout purposes.
    TextDelimiter Gets or sets the character or sequence of characters that marks the beginning or end of a text field.
    See Also