Report Authors / Design Reports / Design Page/RDLX Reports / Interactivity / Parameters / Actionable Parameters
Actionable Parameters

The 'Apply Parameters' action is available for any report item that has the Action property.

A parameter action modifies a parameter value through user interaction, like a mouse click, and displays the data for the currently selected data. You must define where to apply a parameter action to see the outcome (for example, filter in a chart), where the action needs to take place (unselect/select check boxes), and the action type to define the behavior of the action.

When the Apply Parameters action is performed at runtime, the data is re-queried and the viewer re-renders the report with a new set of parameters. This way, a report author can implement cross-filters. Cross filters allow you to dynamically filter the data at runtime, making the report interactive.

Note: The toggle and sorting states are not preserved when the Apply Parameters action takes place.

Parameters Action Type

You can specify any of the following actions for the parameter action:

The next section discusses a scenario where actionable parameters are useful.

Apply Cross-Filters in Report

The general procedure for applying cross-filters in a report using the 'Apply Parameters' action is described as follows:

  1. Create a report parameter. The report parameter can be a Multi-Value Parameter.
  2. Select the report control or the data region where the mouse click action will take place on the preview. (eg., List).
  3. With the report control or the data region selected, go to the Properties panel and click the ellipses near the Action property to open the Navigation or the Action page in a dialog.
  4. In the Action property, select ‘Apply Parameters’ and fill in the following fields:
    • Select the Name of the parameter.
    • Specify the parameters action Type.
    • Enter the Value of the parameter. The Value is the expression for the new parameter.
  5. Select the data region where the action (to filter data) should take place. For eg., to update the Chart data region on user action, select chart. It is here that the cross-filter will be applied.
    Note that there can be more than one data region where the cross-filter needs to be applied.
  6. Go to the Filters property of the selected data region (here, chart). The filter expression should use the same parameter.

See the Create RDLX Dashboard Report tutorial that showcases applying cross-filters in a report. The action performed on the list toggles the GenreID, which applies a new set of parameters based on the selection, and updates the chart.



See Also