The Picture control in section reports is used to print an image on the report. In the Image property of the Picture control, you can select any image file to display on your report. You should use the PictureAlignment and SizeMode properties to control cropping and alignment.
Picture control supports Base64 string, Byte[], BMP, JPG/JPEG/JPE, GIF, PNG, EMF, WMF, SVG, TIF/TIFF formats in both GDI and CrossPlatform compatibility modes.
In CrossPlatform compatibility mode, SVG images are supported as vector images (original images) in all viewers and in PDF export; in other export formats, the images are exported as raster images. The GDI compatibility mode is recommended for use only as a fallback since SVG images are converted to raster images in all viewers and export formats.
You can set the Picture properties in the Picture dialog. To open it, with the Picture selected on the report, under the Properties window, click the Property dialog link.