ActiveReports 19 .NET Edition
Report Authors / Report Controls / Report Controls in Page/RDLX Report / Map / Use Map Layers
In This Topic
    Use Map Layers
    In This Topic

    A map is a collection of layers that display data on the Map control.

    This topic illustrates how to add, remove, and change order of layers. It also shows how to add interactive navigational feature to map layer elements.

    Add a map layer

    From the design surface

    1. From the Visual Studio toolbox, drag and drop a Map control onto the design surface.
    2. In the Select a Map Template wizard that appears, select a map template.
    3. Click the Map until the map panes appear.
    4. Right-click inside the area labeled "right-click to add the new layer." and select the map layer you want to use.

    Using the LayerDesigner Collection Editor

    1. From the Visual Studio toolbox, drag and drop a Map control onto the design surface.
    2. In the Select a Map Template wizard that appears, select a map template.
    3. With the Map control selected, go to the Properties window, click the Layers (Collection) property and then click the ellipsis button that appears.
    4. In the LayerDesigner Collection Editor that appears, use the Add combo-box to view the list of available layers and select the map layer you want to use.

    Delete a map layer

    From the design surface

    1. On the design surface, click the map until the map panes appear.
    2. In the layers pane, right-click the layer you want to remove and select Delete.

    Using the LayerDesigner Collection Editor

    1. On the design surface, with the Map control selected, go to the Properties window, click the Layers (Collection) property and then click the ellipsis button that appears.
    2. In the LayerDesigner Collection Editor that appears, under the members list, select the map layer you want to delete and click the Remove button.

    Change order of layers

    Map layers are rendered from left to right in the order that they appear in the map panes. In the image below, the polygon layer is drawn first and the line layer is rendered last. Layers that are rendered later might hide map elements on layers that are rendered earlier. You can change rendering order of layers added to the map control using the LayerDesigner Collection Editor. Follow these to steps learn re-ordering the layers on a map.

    Polygon, Point, Line and Tile layers

    1. On the design surface, with the Map control selected, go to the Properties window.
    2. In the Properties Panel, click the Layers (Collection) property and then click the ellipsis button that appears.
    3. In the LayerDesigner Collection Editor that appears, under the members list, select the map layer you want to reorder and use the up or down arrow to change the rendering order of each layer.  
    4. Click OK to close the Collection Editor.

    Embed layer spatial data or tiles in a map

    When you embed map elements or map tiles in a report, the spatial data is stored in the report definition.

    1. Click the map until the map panes appear.
    2. In the layers pane, right-click the added layer that contains spatial data, select Embed Spatial Data and then select All Spatial Data or Currently Visible Data. In case of Tile layer select Embed Tiles.
      Note: All Spatial Data refers to all the spatial data fields, while Currently Visible Data refers to the spatial data field that is set in the Field property.

    Add Hyperlinks, Bookmarks, and Drill-through links

    Map layer elements like point, polygon and line provides you a functionality to set interactive navigational features like a bookmark link to jump to other areas in the same report, a hyperlink to jump to a Web address, or a drill-through link to jump to another report. Follow these steps to learn adding hyperlinks, bookmarks and drill-through links to a layer element:

    1. On the design surface, click the map until the map panes appear.
    2. In the layers pane, right-click the layer in use and select Edit.
    3. In the selected layer's dialog that appears, go to the Navigation page.
    4. On the Navigation page, select from the following actions to perform when a user clicks a data layer element :
      • None: The default behavior to indicate that the item has no action.
      • Jump to report: For drill-through reporting, select this option and provide the name of a local report, the relative path of a report in another folder, or the full path of a report on another server.
        • Parameters: Supply parameters to the targeted report by entering the Name of each parameter, the Value to send to the targeted report, or whether to Omit the parameter. Note that parameter names you supply must exactly match parameters in the target report. You can remove or change the order of parameters using the X and arrow buttons.

        For detailed steps on adding a drill-through link, see Drill-Through Links.

      • Jump to bookmark: Select this option and provide a valid Bookmark ID to allow the user to jump to another report control with the same Bookmark ID.
        For more information on adding bookmarks, see Bookmarks.

      • Jump to URL: Select this option and provide a valid URL to create a hyperlink to a Web page.
        For more information on adding hyperlinks, see Hyperlinks.

    5. Click OK to close the dialog.
    See Also