ActiveReports 19 .NET Edition
Report Authors / Data Binding / Data Binding in Page/RDLX Reports
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    Data Binding in Page/RDLX Reports
    In This Topic

    The data binding process involves setting up the data connection and associating the data with the report.

    On creating a new report, you see the New Report wizard, where you first select a report type (a Page report or an RDLX), and then select the data source type from where the data binding process starts. The data binding requires you to set up a connection to the data source by configuring the data source connection properties, and then set up queries to add a dataset to fetch the data you want to show in the report.

    In an existing report where you want to bind the report to data, you should navigate to the Report Explorer, right-click the Data Sources node, and select the Add Data Source option, followed by right-clicking an existing data source and selecting Add Data Set.

    This section discusses the data binding using the ActiveReports Designer. For information on run-time binding, please see Bind a Page/RDLX report to a Data Source at Run Time topic.

    Supported Data Sources

    The supported data sources for designing Page/RDLX reports are:

    See Also