ActiveReports 19 .NET Edition
Report Authors / Design Reports / Design Page/RDLX Reports / Tutorials: Page/RDLX Report Scenarios / Create a Red Negatives or a Green Bar Report
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    Create a Red Negatives or a Green Bar Report
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    A Red Negatives report is a report type that shows negative values in red color such that these values meet the requirements set in a conditional expression. A Green Bar report can be similarly created by alternating the background color of a data region like a Table using conditional formatting.

    The following steps show how to generate a report with negative values in red negatives.

    1. Create a new Page/RDLX report and bind the data to 'reels.db'. See Custom Data Provider for more information.
    2. In the DataSet dialog that appears, go to the Query page and enter a query in the Query textbox in the following format:
      DataSet Query
      Copy Code
      SELECT AccountsChart.AccountId, AccountsChart.ParentId, AccountsChart.Description, AccountsChart.Rollup, Expenses.ExpenseDate, Sum(Expenses.Amount) AS SumOfAmount
      FROM AccountsChart LEFT JOIN Expenses ON AccountsChart.AccountId=Expenses.AccountID
      GROUP BY AccountsChart.AccountId, AccountsChart.ParentId, AccountsChart.Description, AccountsChart.Rollup, Expenses.ExpenseDate
      ORDER BY Expenses.ExpenseDate, AccountsChart.AccountId;
    3. From the Toolbox, drag and drop a Table data region onto the design surface.    
    4. In the Report Explorer, expand the DataSet node and drag and drop following fields inside the cells of the details row:
    5. In the same table, select any cell (Textbox) that displays integer values, for example [Rollup]
    6. In the Properties panel, set the following expression in the Color property:

      =iif(Fields!Rollup.Value < 0, "Red", "Black")
      Note: In general, the expression will be =iif(Fields!FieldName.Value < 0, "Red", "Black") where FieldName refers to field that the textbox contains (of integer type).
    7. To avoid repetition of [Description] in detail row, apply detail grouping based on [Description]field. See Detail Grouping for more information.
    8. Drag-drop a Textbox control for the report heading.

      Red Negatives Report at Design Time

    9. Preview the report.

    The following image illustrates a report that contains negative values in red:

    Red Negatives Report at Run Time

    For a green bar report, click the row handle to the left of the detail row of a Table data region and set the following expression in the BackgroundColor property:

    =iif(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2, "PaleGreen", "White")

    On previewing the report, you will notice that every alternate detail the report displays has a green background as depicted by the following image.

    Green Bar Report at Run Time

    Note that with Detail Grouping applied on a table, the background color will not appear as expected.

    See Also