Report Authors / Report Controls / Report Controls in Section Report / Chart / Pie and Doughnut Charts
Pie and Doughnut Charts

A Pie Chart is a circular chart divided into sectors to illustrate proportion. A Doughnut Chart is functionally identical to a Pie Charts. It also has single-series and multi-series versions, with the only difference that it has a hole in the middle.

2D Pie and Doughnut Charts

Doughnut Chart

Doughnut Chart

A doughnut chart shows how the percentage of each data item contributes to the total.

In order to show each section of the pie in a different color, set the Background property for each data point.

Funnel Chart

A funnel chart shows how the percentage of each data item contributes as a whole

Pyramid Chart

A Pyramid chart shows how the percentage of each data item contributes as a whole.

3D Pie and Doughnut Charts

Doughnut Chart

3D Doughnut Chart

A 3D doughnut chart shows how the percentage of each data item contributes to a total percentage, allowing the data to be viewed in a 3D format.

Funnel Chart

3D Funnel Chart

A 3D funnel chart shows how the percentage of each data item contributes to the whole, allowing the data to be viewed in a 3D format.

Pyramid Chart

3D Pyramid Chart

A 3D Pyramid chart shows how the percentage of each data item contributes to the whole, allowing the data to be viewed in a 3D format.

Pie Chart

3D Pie Chart

This type of chart displays the contribution of each value to a total.

Ring Chart

This chart type uses rings (inner and outer) to represent data.