ActiveReports 19 .NET Edition
Report Authors / Report Controls / Report Controls in Page/RDLX Report / Map / Set the Color Scale on a Map
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    Set the Color Scale on a Map
    In This Topic

    A color scale helps a user to understand the range of colors that are used for data visualization on a layer. A map has just one color scale and multiple layers can provide data for it. Use these steps to learn setting a color scale on a map.

    1. On the design surface, select the Map control.
    2. In the Properties window, click the ColorScale property and then click the ellipsis (...) button that appears.
    3. In the Map Color Scale dialog that appears, on the General page, you can set the location and the color of the color scale.

      Map Color Scale
    4. On the Labels page of the dialog, you can make modifications to the properties of the color scale labels.
    5. On the Title page of the dialog, you can make modifications to title text and font properties of the color scale.
    6. On to the Appearance page, you can make modifications to the border width, style, color and background color. 
    7. On the Font page, you can make modifications to the font properties of the color scale.
    8. On the Visibility page, you can setup the visibility mode of the color scale.
    9. On the Navigation page, you can setup the interactivity features for the color scale.
    10. Click OK to close the dialog.