ActiveReports 19 .NET Edition
Report Authors / Report Controls / Report Controls in Page/RDLX Report / Chart / Plots / Polar Chart
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    Polar Chart
    In This Topic

    The Polar plot arranges categories along the circumference of a circle and encodes data values into sectors along radial lines. The Polar plot is suitable for comparing data values across categories using a circular shape. The categories can be further split to represent data values as clusters or stacks.

    There are different types of Polar charts, which are elaborated below:

    Simple Polar Chart

    A Simple Polar chart displays one value for each category. See Create Simple Polar Chart walkthrough showcases plotting the Sales Amount per Product Category.

    Simple Polar Chart

    Simple Polar Chart

    Clustered Polar Chart

    A Clustered Polar chart splits the values into subcategories by placing corresponding circular sectors adjacent to each other within the containing category. The Create Clustered Polar Chart walkthrough showcases plotting the Sales Amount for each Sales Channel per Product Category.

    Clustered Polar Chart

    Clustered Polar Chart

    Stacked Polar Chart

    A Stacked Polar chart is a good option to split the data values into subcategories by dividing corresponding circular sectors into subsections. The Create Stacked Polar Chart walkthrough showcases plotting the Sales Amount for each Product Category per Sales Channel.

    Clustered Polar Chart

    Clustered Polar Chart

    Stacked Percentage Polar Chart

    A Stacked Percentage Polar chart combines the stacked polar plot and the Percentage axis scale. This chart type indicates the contribution of each data values' sub-category to a total of the containing category. The Create Stacked Percentage Polar Chart walkthrough showcases plotting the percentage share of the Sales Amount of product categories for each Sales Channel.

    Percentage Stacked Polar Chart

    Percentage Stacked Polar Chart