Report Authors / Design Reports / Design Page/RDLX Reports / Expressions / LookupSet Function in Data Regions
LookupSet Function in Data Regions

The LookupSet function returns multiple row values from a specified dataset, so this function is used for one-to-many relationship in a data. The fields of the dataset returned by the LookupSet function behave as regular dataset fields that you can use in functions/aggregates within the scope of the data region.

The following data regions can use the LookupSet function in the Value property - TablixTableClassic ChartBandedListList, and Sparkline.


The basic syntax of the Lookup expression is as follows.

LookupSet(<SourceExpression>, <DestinationExpression>, <ResultExpression>, <LookupSetDataset>)


The report below shows information on addresses for each employee and displays the addresses as string separated by commas. To display all addresses for each employee in a string separated by commas, we need to use the Join function in the expression with the LookupSet function.

For example:

=LookupSet(Fields!CategoryID.Value, Fields!CategoryID.Value, Fields!UnitsInStock.Value, "Products")
=Join(LookupSet(Fields!CategoryID.Value, Fields!CategoryID.Value, Fields!UnitsInStock.Value, "Products"), ",")


LookupSet Functions at Design Time

LookupSet Functions at Run Time 



See Also