ActiveReports 18 .NET Edition
Report Authors: Designer Components / Report Controls / Report Controls in Page/RDLX Report / Chart / Plots
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    A plot in a Chart data region encodes Data values into geometrical shapes with the application of the encoding configuration. Let's say, for example, the plot of a bar chart can encode the list of countries using 'Category Encoding'.

    Common Plot Properties


    A String value that represents the name of the plot which the user wants to keep for the chart.

    Plot Template

    Setting a Plot template (or the chart type) is the first step of designing a chart. The plot can be set from the Chart Wizard, from the toolbar menu available for the Chart data region, or from the Plot Template option in the context menu that appears on right-clicking the plot on the design area.

    Refer to the following sub-topics on plots for detailed descriptions of various plot template configurations. Each of these plots is explained in the dedicated pages with end-to-end walkthroughs.

    Multiplot Charts

    Charts may be multiplot, when a chart has a common X axis with the Y axis displaying different values. The multiplot charts are used to compare data points between two plots. See Multiplot Charts for details.