Follow this guide to deploy ActiveReports Web projects to your Web server. See the article from MSDN for more details.
To deploy ActiveReports Web projects, you must have access to the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.7.2 or higher and the coordinating version of ASP.NET, or ASP.NET Core with .NET Core 3.1 and above. You must also have access to Internet Information Services version 8 or higher, and you need administrative access to the server.
It is also good to be sure that all of the packages you need for your reports are included.
Follow Microsoft's instructions to install each of the following on your Web server:
<base href="/VirtDirName/">
Depending on your project, you may need to set permissions to allow ActiveReports access to data or folders.
Some examples of required permissions on the server:
You can also deploy Report Parts by placing your Page and RDLX reports with report parts to the report items library. The path to this library is set in the ReportPartsDirectory property of the ActiveReports.config file; see Configure ActiveReports using Config File topic.
Report Parts is a Professional Edition feature that provides you with the possibility to reuse report parts (groups of controls with data and settings) from one report in other reports. For example, you can use Chart and Tablix data regions from Report1, and a Table data region from Report2 to create a new report.