'' '' This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos . '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. '' Imports System . IO Imports System . Drawing Imports GrapeCity . Documents . Word '' This sample builds a nice-looking procurement business letter using tables to create the layout. Public Class ProcurementLetter Function CreateDocx () As GcWordDocument Dim doc = New GcWordDocument () doc . Styles . DefaultFont . Size = 12 doc . Styles . DefaultParagraphFormat . Spacing . SpaceAfter = 0 doc . Styles ( BuiltInStyleId . Normal ). Font . Name = "Times New Roman" doc . Styles ( BuiltInStyleId . Normal ). Font . Size = 10 Dim sec = doc . Body . Sections . First sec . PageSetup . Size . PaperSize = PaperSize . PaperA4 Dim footer = sec . Footers ( HeaderFooterType . Primary ) Dim p = footer . Body . Paragraphs . Add ( "Residential Homes | Commercial Properties | Investment Real Estate | Financing Specialists" ) p . Format . Alignment = ParagraphAlignment . Center p . GetRange (). Runs . First . Font . Size = 8.5F Dim sr = sec . GetRange () Dim t = sr . Tables . Add ( 1 , 1 ) t . Format . Alignment = TableAlignment . Right t . Format . TableGrid . Add ( 216 ) t . Format . TableGrid . Add ( 126 ) Dim c = t ( 0 , 0 ) Dim cf = c . Format cf . GridSpan = 2 cf . PreferredWidth . Type = PreferredWidthType . Points cf . PreferredWidth . Value = 342 cf . Shading . Texture = TexturePattern . Clear cf . Shading . ForegroundPatternColor . RGB = System . Drawing . Color . Empty cf . Shading . BackgroundPatternColor . RGB = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 255 , 59 , 19 , 110 ) cf . VerticalAlignment = CellVerticalAlignment . Center Dim cp = cf . Padding cp . Top = 12 cp . Left = 12 cp . Bottom = 24 cp . Right = 24 Dim cr = c . GetRange () p = cr . Paragraphs . First p . Format . Alignment = ParagraphAlignment . Right Dim f = p . Mark . Font f . Color . RGB = Color . Empty f . Name = "Arial" f . Size = 14 Dim r = p . GetRange (). Runs . Add ( "Nancy Davolio" ) f = r . Font f . Color . RGB = Color . Empty f . Name = "Arial" f . Size = 14 p = cr . Paragraphs . Add ( "Chief Procurement Officer" ) p . Format . Alignment = ParagraphAlignment . Right f = p . Mark . Font f . Color . RGB = Color . Empty f . Name = "Arial" r = p . GetRange (). Runs . First f = r . Font f . Color . RGB = Color . Empty f . Name = "Arial" Dim row = t . Rows . Add () row . Format . Height = 92.4F c = row . Cells . Add () cf = c . Format cf . PreferredWidth . Type = PreferredWidthType . Points cf . PreferredWidth . Value = 216 cf . Shading . Texture = TexturePattern . Clear cf . Shading . ForegroundPatternColor . RGB = System . Drawing . Color . Empty cf . Shading . BackgroundPatternColor . RGB = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 255 , 242 , 242 , 242 ) cf . Padding . Top = 12 cr = c . GetRange () p = cr . Paragraphs . First f = p . Mark . Font f . Color . RGB = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 255 , 196 , 89 , 17 ) f . Color . ThemeColor = ThemeColorId . Accent2 f . Color . ThemeShade = 191 f . Name = "Arial" r = p . GetRange (). Runs . Add ( "555-543-5432" ) f = r . Font f . Color . RGB = System . Drawing . Color . FromArgb ( 255 , 196 , 89 , 17 ) f . Color . ThemeColor = ThemeColorId . Accent2 f . Color . ThemeShade = 191 f . Name = "Arial" p = cr . Paragraphs . Add ( "" ) p . Mark . Style = doc . Styles ( BuiltInStyleId . Hyperlink ) p . Mark . Font . Name = "Arial" r = p . GetRange (). Runs . First r . Style = doc . Styles ( BuiltInStyleId . Hyperlink ) r . Font . Name = "Arial" p = cr . Paragraphs . Add ( "5432 Street West, Townsvilla, State 54321" ) p . Mark . Font . Name = "Arial" p . GetRange (). Runs . First . Font . Name = "Arial" c = row . Cells . Add () cf = c . Format cf . PreferredWidth . Type = PreferredWidthType . Points cf . PreferredWidth . Value = 126 cf . Padding . Bottom = 0 cf . VerticalAlignment = CellVerticalAlignment . Center p = c . GetRange (). Paragraphs . First p . Format . Alignment = ParagraphAlignment . Center r = p . GetRange (). Runs . Add () Dim bytes = File . ReadAllBytes ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "nancy.png" )) Dim pic = r . GetRange (). Pictures . Add ( bytes , "image/png" ) pic . Size . Height . Value = 96 pic . Size . Width . Value = 111.75F p = sr . Paragraphs . Add () r = p . GetRange (). Runs . Add () bytes = File . ReadAllBytes ( Path . Combine ( "Resources" , "ImagesBis" , "acme.png" )) pic = r . GetRange (). Pictures . Add ( bytes , "image/png" ) pic . Size . Height . Value = 63 pic . Size . Width . Value = 93.75F Dim wf = pic . WrapFormat wf . Type = WrapType . Square wf . Side = WrapSide . Right wf . DistanceLeft = 9 wf . DistanceRight = 9 Dim hp = pic . Position . Horizontal hp . Type = ShapePositionType . Points hp . RelativeTo = ShapeHorizontalRelativePosition . Column hp . Offset = 6 Dim vp = pic . Position . Vertical vp . Type = ShapePositionType . Points vp . RelativeTo = ShapeVerticalRelativePosition . Paragraph vp . Offset = - 170.85F AddPara ( sr , Nothing ) AddPara ( sr , "Dear Mark," ) AddPara ( sr , Nothing ) AddPara ( sr , "The first shipment of equipment from AMA Ltd has arrived. We are delighted with every piece. Therefore, we decided to make our initial purchase larger than anticipated. I am attaching our purchase order No. 8393 for additional goods. " ) AddPara ( sr , Nothing ) AddPara ( sr , "Since you already have a copy of our Procurement Guidelines, I shall not attach them to this order. Please inform me of shipping dates." ) AddPara ( sr , Nothing ) AddPara ( sr , "Sincerely," ) AddPara ( sr , "Nancy Davolio," ) AddPara ( sr , "Chief Procurement Officer" ) '' Done: Return doc End Function Private Sub AddPara ( ByVal rng As Range , ByVal text As String ) Dim p As Paragraph = Nothing If text IsNot Nothing Then p = rng . Paragraphs . Add ( text ) Else p = rng . Paragraphs . Add () End If p . Format . Spacing . LineSpacing = 1.3F p . Mark . Font . Name = "Arial" p . Mark . Font . Size = 12 If text IsNot Nothing Then Dim r = p . GetRange (). Runs . First r . Font . Name = "Arial" r . Font . Size = 12 End If End Sub End Class