'' This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
'' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
Imports System.Drawing
Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Word

'' This sample demonstrates various conditional table formatting options.
Public Class ConditionalTableStyles
    Function CreateDocx() As GcWordDocument
        Dim doc = New GcWordDocument()

        '' Table dimensions:
        Dim rows = 20
        Dim cols = 7

            $"A {cols} columns by {rows} rows table, with conditional styles applied to most elements:")

        '' Add an empty table:
        Dim t = doc.Body.Tables.Add(0, 0)

        '' Add some rows and cells to it:
        Dim cells = New List(Of String)(cols)
        For col = 1 To cols
        For row = 0 To rows - 1
            For col = 0 To cols - 1
                cells(col) = $"Row {row + 1}, col {col + 1}"

        '' Create a table style on which we will define conditional formatting:
        Dim ts1 = doc.Styles.Add("Table Style 1", StyleType.Table)
        '' And assign the style to the table:
        t.Style = ts1

        '' Set up simple borders:
        For Each border In ts1.Table.Borders

            border.LineStyle = LineStyle.Single
            border.LineWidth = 0.5F
            border.Color.RGB = Color.DarkGray
        '' Add some padding:
        ts1.Table.Padding.All = 2

        '' To use conditional styles, we need to set corresponding flags on the table's style options.
        '' In this case, we set all of them:
        t.Format.StyleOptions =
            TableStyleOptions.FirstRow Or TableStyleOptions.LastRow Or
            TableStyleOptions.FirstColumn Or TableStyleOptions.LastColumn Or
            TableStyleOptions.RowBands Or TableStyleOptions.ColumnBands

        '' Set up the table for row and column bands:
        ts1.Table.RowStripe = 1
        ts1.Table.ColumnStripe = 1

        '' Shortcut to access table's conditionals:
        Dim conds = ts1.Table.Conditionals

        '' Odd rows' style:
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band1Horizontal).Font.Bold = True
        '' Band*Vertical styles override Band*Horizontal styles if there is a conflict.
        '' Here, becase we set vertical band backgrounds, horizontal ones 
        '' will not be seen in the document:
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band1Horizontal).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear '' overridden
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band1Horizontal).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.Magenta '' overridden
        '' Even rows' style:
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band2Horizontal).Font.Italic = True
        '' Won't be seen in the document (see comment above):
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band2Horizontal).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear '' overridden
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band2Horizontal).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.Brown '' overridden

        '' Odd columns' style:
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band1Vertical).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band1Vertical).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.FromArgb(&HE6, &HFF, &HE6)
        '' Even columns' style:
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band2Vertical).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.Band2Vertical).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.FromArgb(&HFF, &HFF, &HE6)

        '' First/last/corner styles will override horizontal and vertical bands if there is a conflict:
        conds(TableStyleOverride.FirstColumn).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.FirstColumn).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.CadetBlue

        conds(TableStyleOverride.FirstRow).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.FirstRow).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.PaleVioletRed

        conds(TableStyleOverride.LastColumn).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.LastColumn).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.PapayaWhip

        conds(TableStyleOverride.LastRow).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.LastRow).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.PaleGoldenrod

        conds(TableStyleOverride.NorthWestCell).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.NorthWestCell).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.Red

        conds(TableStyleOverride.NorthEastCell).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.NorthEastCell).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.Green

        conds(TableStyleOverride.SouthWestCell).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.SouthWestCell).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.Blue

        conds(TableStyleOverride.SouthEastCell).Shading.Texture = TexturePattern.Clear
        conds(TableStyleOverride.SouthEastCell).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor.RGB = Color.Purple

        '' Done:
        Return doc
    End Function
End Class