- ''
- '' This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
- '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- ''
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Drawing
- Imports System.Collections.Generic
- Imports System.Linq
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Word
- '' This sample demonstrates how to add linked text frames to a DOCX,
- '' with text spanning the frames.
- Public Class TextFrames
- Public Function CreateDocx() As GcWordDocument
- Dim doc = New GcWordDocument()
- doc.Load(Path.Combine("Resources", "WordDocs", "SampleParagraphs.docx"))
- '' Locate the paragraphs for inserting text frames:
- Const p1start = "This is the first paragraph of the original document"
- Const p2start = "This is the second paragraph of the original document"
- Const p3start = "This is the third paragraph of the original document"
- Const p4start = "This is the fourth paragraph of the original document"
- '' Find individual paragraphs inside the document:
- Dim p1 = Nothing, p2 = Nothing, p3 = Nothing, p4 = Nothing
- For Each p In doc.Body.Paragraphs
- Dim t = p.GetRange().Text
- If (t.StartsWith(p1start)) Then
- p1 = p
- ElseIf (t.StartsWith(p2start)) Then
- p2 = p
- ElseIf (t.StartsWith(p3start)) Then
- p3 = p
- ElseIf (t.StartsWith(p4start)) Then
- p4 = p
- End If
- Next
- If p1 Is Nothing OrElse p2 Is Nothing OrElse p3 Is Nothing OrElse p4 Is Nothing Then
- Throw New Exception("Unexpected: could not find paragraphs.")
- End If
- '' Add new style for text in frames:
- Dim style = doc.Styles.Add("FrameTextStyle", StyleType.Character)
- style.Font.Color.RGB = Color.DarkBlue
- style.Font.Bold = True
- '' Generate a long text that we will put into linked text frames:
- Dim ts = ""
- For i = 0 To 11
- ts += $"Text frame content {i}. "
- Next
- '' NOTE: shapes (including text frames) can be added to text runs only
- '' (e.g. we cannot add a shape directly to a paragraph).
- '' Add a text run at the end of the first paragraph:
- Dim r1 = p1.GetRange().Runs.Add(" Text run added to paragraph 1. The first shape is inserted inline after this. ")
- '' Add a shape to the new text run:
- Dim s1 = r1.GetRange().Shapes.Add(96, 72)
- '' Add a text frame with the generated text to the new shape:
- Dim tf1 = s1.AddTextFrame(CType(ts, String))
- tf1.Format.Margin.AllEdges = 4
- For Each r In tf1.GetRange().Runs
- If r1 IsNot r Then
- r.Style = style
- End If
- Next
- '' The text in the frame is rather long, and will not fit inside s1.
- '' Text frames can be linked so that a long text can span several frames.
- '' We add two linked frames, one to 2nd paragraph, and one to the first
- '' paragraph on the page:
- Dim r2 = p2.GetRange().Runs.Add(" Text run added to paragraph 2. The second shape is inserted inline after this. ")
- Dim shapes = r2.GetRange().Shapes
- Dim s2 = r2.GetRange().Shapes.Add(192, 72)
- Dim ltf2 = s2.AddLinkedTextFrame(tf1)
- '' Default wrap format type for new shapes is inline.
- '' Here we change the 3rd shape's wrap to square with absolute position
- '' relative to the very first paragraph in the document:
- Dim s3 = doc.Body.Paragraphs.First.GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Shapes.Add(144, 96)
- Dim ltf3 = s3.AddLinkedTextFrame(tf1)
- s3.WrapFormat.Type = WrapType.Square
- s3.Position.Vertical.Type = ShapePositionType.Points
- s3.Position.Vertical.Offset = 0
- s3.Position.Horizontal.Type = ShapePositionType.Points
- s3.Position.Horizontal.Offset = doc.Body.Sections.First.PageSetup.ClientWidth - 144
- Return doc
- End Function
- End Class