- //
- // This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
- // Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Globalization;
- using GrapeCity.Documents.Word;
- namespace DsWordWeb.Demos
- {
- // This sample demonstrates the use of multiple data sources with data templates.
- // It uses two simple JSON data sources, one contains a list of some popular car makes,
- // the other a list of various car body styles. The DOCX includes two templates that are
- // used to print first the list of body styles, followed by the list of car brands.
- // The two lists are not related to each other, demonstrating how unrelated data sources
- // can be used to include various data in a single data bound document.
- public class DataTplMultipleDataSrc
- {
- public GcWordDocument CreateDocx()
- {
- var makes = "[" +
- "{ \"make\": \"Toyota\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"General Motors\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"Volkswagen\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"Ford\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"BMW\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"Nissan\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"Hyundai\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"Honda\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"Mazda\" }," +
- "{ \"make\": \"Jaguar\" }," +
- "]";
- var bodyStyles = "[" +
- "{ \"style\": \"Sedan\" }," +
- "{ \"style\": \"Coupe\" }," +
- "{ \"style\": \"Hatchback\" }," +
- "{ \"style\": \"SUV\" }," +
- "{ \"style\": \"Crossover\" }," +
- "{ \"style\": \"Minivan\" }," +
- "{ \"style\": \"Pickup\" }," +
- "{ \"style\": \"Wagon\" }," +
- "]";
- var doc = new GcWordDocument();
- // Add the data sources:
- doc.DataTemplate.DataSources.Add("makes", makes);
- doc.DataTemplate.DataSources.Add("styles", bodyStyles);
- // Print the list of some car makes:
- doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("Popular Car Makers", doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.Heading2]);
- doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("{{#makes}}{{makes.make}}{{/makes}}", doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.ListBullet]);
- // Print the list of car body styles:
- doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("Car Body Styles", doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.Heading2]);
- doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("{{#styles}}{{}}{{/styles}}", doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.ListBullet]);
- doc.DataTemplate.Process(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
- // Done:
- return doc;
- }
- }
- }