- ''
- '' This code is part of Document Solutions for Word demos.
- '' Copyright (c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
- ''
- Imports System.Drawing
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Linq
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Word
- Imports GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging
- '' This sample demonstrates how to use built-in styles
- '' to format a document.
- Public Class SomeCommonStyles
- Public Function CreateDocx() As GcWordDocument
- Dim doc = New GcWordDocument()
- Dim sec = doc.Body.Sections.First
- Dim pars = sec.GetRange().Paragraphs
- '' Title:
- pars.Add("Some Common Built-in Styles (Title)", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Title))
- '' Title:
- pars.Add("Demonstration of some of the built-in styles. (Subtitle)", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Subtitle))
- '' Headings 1-4:
- Dim heading1 = pars.Add("Heading 1", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Heading1))
- Dim heading2 = pars.Add("Heading 2", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Heading2))
- Dim heading3 = pars.Add("Heading 3", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Heading3))
- Dim heading4 = pars.Add("Heading 4", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Heading4))
- '' Normal Text:
- pars.Add("This and the following 'lorem impum' paragraph use the 'Normal' style.")
- pars.Add(SmallPara())
- '' Quote:
- pars.Add("The next paragraph uses the 'Quote' style:")
- Dim p = pars.Add(SmallPara(), doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Quote))
- p.Style.ParagraphFormat.KeepTogether = True
- '' Intense Quote:
- pars.Add("The next paragraph uses the 'Intense Quote' style:")
- p = pars.Add(SmallPara(), doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.IntenseQuote))
- p.Style.ParagraphFormat.KeepTogether = True
- '' Intense Quote:
- pars.Add("The next paragraph uses the 'List Paragraph' style:")
- p = pars.Add(SmallPara(), doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.ListParagraph))
- p.Style.ParagraphFormat.KeepTogether = True
- '' Character styles:
- p = pars.Add("In this paragraph we demonstrate some of the built-in character styles. ")
- Dim runs = p.GetRange().Runs
- runs.Add("This run uses the 'Strong' style. ", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Strong))
- runs.Add("A run of normal text. ")
- runs.Add("This run uses 'Emphasis' style. ", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.Emphasis))
- runs.Add("A run of normal text. ")
- runs.Add("This run uses 'Intense Emphasis' style. ", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.IntenseEmphasis))
- runs.Add("A run of normal text. ")
- runs.Add("This run uses 'Subtle Emphasis' style. ", doc.Styles(BuiltInStyleId.SubtleEmphasis))
- pars.Add("The End.")
- '' Done:
- Return doc
- End Function
- Private Function SmallPara() As String
- Return Util.LoremIpsumPar(2, 3, 4, 5)
- End Function
- End Class