FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model Namespace / ITableRange Interface
Properties Methods Events

ITableRange Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ITableRange.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets a collection of ITableColumn objects.  
 PropertyGets or sets the table comment.  
 PropertyGets the data range of the ITableRange.  
 PropertyGets the IRange table source.  
 PropertyGets the first column index.  
 PropertyGets the first row index.  
 PropertyGets the row index of the header row.  
 PropertyGets or sets whether the header is visible.  
 PropertyGet the last column index.  
 PropertyGets the last row index.  
 PropertyGets or sets the ITableRange name.  
 PropertyGets the total row index.  
 PropertyGets or sets whether the total row is visible.  
Public Methods
 MethodLoads the data from XML. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.ISerializeData)
 MethodGets the column index by name.  
 MethodGets the name of the column  
 MethodGets data fomula from a special column.  
 Method (Inherited from System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable)
 MethodGets a unique name for a table column.  
 MethodSaves the data to XML. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.ISerializeData)
 MethodSets data formula to a special column.  
 MethodSynchronizes table data in a specific range.  
Public Events
 EventOccurs when the table name is changed.  
 EventOccurs when the table name is about to change.  
 EventOccurs when the table range is changed.  
 EventOccurs when the table range is about to change.  
See Also