Spread Windows Forms 18
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace / EditError Enumeration

In This Topic
    EditError Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the possible editor messages based on the user action.
    Public Enum EditError 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As EditError
    public enum EditError : System.Enum 
    CellIsLocked[1] Indicates the user attempted to interact with a locked cell.
    ColumnAndRowRestrictedIndicates the user attempted to move the focus to a cell that is located in both a restricted row and column.
    ColumnRestrictedIndicates the user attempted to move the focus to a restricted column.
    InvalidCellDataIndicates the current input value in the editor is invalid
    InvalidCellFormulaIndicates the user typed an invalid formula into a cell (sent when the user has left the cell).
    InvalidCellValueIndicates the user typed invalid data into a cell (sent when the user has left the cell).
    InvalidHyperlinkIndicates the user clicked a link that is invalid.
    RowRestrictedIndicates the user attempted to move the focus to a restricted row.
    TypedInCheckboxIndicates the user attempted to type in a check box cell.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also