Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Cell Types / Understanding How Cell Type Affects Model Data
In This Topic
    Understanding How Cell Type Affects Model Data
    In This Topic

    The cell type affects how the values are stored in the model.

    The following table lists the editable cell types and the data type of the value in the cell that is written to the data model.

    Editable Cell Type Data Type Written to Model
    CurrencyCellType Decimal
    DateTimeCellType Date-Time Object
    GcCharMaskCellType String
    GcDateTimeCellType Date-Time Object
    GcMaskCellType String
    GcNumberCellType Double
    GcTextBoxCellType String
    GcTimeSpanCellType TimeSpan Object
    GeneralCellType Depends whether Date-Time, Boolean, or String
    MaskCellType String
    NumberCellType Double
    PercentCellType Double
    RegularExpressionCellType String
    TextCellType String

    The following table lists the graphical cell types and the data type of the value in the cell that is written to the data model.

    Graphical Cell Type Data Type Written to Model
    BarCodeCellType Value of barcode
    ButtonCellType two-state Integer
    ButtonCellType one-state Null
    CheckBoxCellType three-state Integer (0 = false, 1= true, 2 = indeterminate)
    CheckBoxCellType two-state Boolean
    ColorPickerCellType Null
    ComboBoxCellType and MultiColumnComboBoxCellType Depends on value of EditorValue property. String, if EditorValue = String or item data. Integer, if EditorValue = index
    GcComboBoxCellType Depends on value of EditorValue property. String, if EditorValue = String or item data. Integer, if EditorValue = index
    HyperLinkCellType Array of Boolean values (whether each link is clicked or unclicked)
    ImageCellType System.Drawing.Color or Null
    ListBoxCellType Array
    MultiOptionCellType Depends on value of EditorValue property. String, if EditorValue = String or item data, Integer, if EditorValue = index
    ProgressCellType Double
    RichTextCellType String
    SliderCellType Integer
    See Also