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Customizing the Number of Rows or Columns

When you create a sheet, it is automatically created with five hundred columns and five hundred rows. You can change the number to zero or up to two billion column and rows.

For more details, refer to the SheetView.RowCount property and SheetView.ColumnCount property.

You can also restrict the user from accessing various rows and columns.

Using the Properties Window

  1. At design time, in the Properties window, select the Spread component.

  2. Select the Sheets property.

  3. Click the button to display the SheetView Collection Editor.

  4. In the Members list, select the sheet for which to set the number of columns or rows.

  5. In the properties list, set the ColumnCount property to set the number of columns and the RowCount property to set the number of rows.

  6. Click OK to close the editor.

Using a Shortcut

Set the ColumnCount or RowCount property for the Sheets shortcut object.


This example code sets the first sheet to have 10 columns and 100 rows.

fpSpread1.Sheets[0].ColumnCount = 10;
fpSpread1.Sheets[0].RowCount = 100;
fpSpread1.Sheets(0).ColumnCount = 10
fpSpread1.Sheets(0).RowCount = 100

Method to set

Set the ColumnCount or RowCount property for a SheetView class.


This example code sets the first sheet to have 10 columns and 100 rows.

FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView Sheet0;
Sheet0 = fpSpread1.Sheets[0];
Sheet0.ColumnCount = 10;
Sheet0.RowCount = 100;
Dim Sheet0 As FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView
Sheet0 = fpSpread1.Sheets(0)
Sheet0.ColumnCount = 10
Sheet0.RowCount = 100

Using the Spread Designer

  1. Select the sheet tab for the sheet for which you want to set the number of columns or rows.

  2. From the property list for the sheet, in the Appearance category, select Columns or Rows to expand the properties for the columns or rows in the sheet.

  3. In the list of properties for the columns or rows, set the Count property.

  4. From the File menu choose Apply and Exit to apply your changes to the component and exit Spread Designer.

See Also

Rows and Columns

Adding a Row or Column

Removing a Row or Column

Showing or Hiding a Row or Column

Setting the Row Height or Column Width

Setting Fixed (Frozen) Rows or Columns

Moving Rows or Columns

Creating Alternating Rows

Setting up Preview Rows

Input Data in Rows or Columns

Rows or Columns That Have Data

Adding a Tag to a Row or Column