Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Cells / Managing Data on a Sheet / Text to Columns
In This Topic
    Text to Columns
    In This Topic

    Text to Columns is used to convert simple text or sentences having multiple words into separate columns. It enables us to get the tabular structure of data using a suitable delimiter or column width option.

    For example, when you want to separate a list of full names into first and last names, you can use Text to Columns feature.

    Using Code

    You can set the TextToColumns method from the IRange interface to parse the text from one cell or column into many columns.


    Copy Code
    IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
    TestActiveSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Jacob Dev SpreadWin";
    TestActiveSheet.Cells["A2"].Value = "Steve Dev Raykit";
    TestActiveSheet.Cells["A3"].Value = "Serena Tester SpreadWin";
    TestActiveSheet.Cells["A4"].Value = "Keira Tester Raykit";
    TestActiveSheet.Cells["A1:A4"].TextToColumns("A5", TextParsingType.Delimited, TextQualifier.None, false, false, false, false, true);
    Copy Code
    Dim TestActiveSheet As IWorksheet = FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet
    TestActiveSheet.Cells("A1").Value = "Jacob Dev SpreadWin"
    TestActiveSheet.Cells("A2").Value = "Steve Dev Raykit"
    TestActiveSheet.Cells("A3").Value = "Serena Tester SpreadWin"
    TestActiveSheet.Cells("A4").Value = "Keira Tester Raykit"
    TestActiveSheet.Cells("A1:A4").TextToColumns("A5", TextParsingType.Delimited, TextQualifier.None, False, False, False, False, True)

    Using Runtime UI

    You can enable the built-in TextToColumn dialog box using BuiltInDialogs class at run-time to the end-user with the specified range.

    The following code example shows how to use the runtime dialog box in a Spread worksheet:

    Copy Code
    IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
    TestActiveSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Red,Blue,Green,Black,White,Yellow";
    Copy Code
    Dim TestActiveSheet As IWorksheet = FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet
    TestActiveSheet.Cells("A1").Value = "Red,Blue,Green,Black,White,Yellow"

    Using Spread Designer

    Spread for WinForms designer provides the "Text to Columns" ribbon button in the "Data Tools" group of the "Data" tab.

    Steps to Convert Text to Columns

    Using Delimiters

    This method splits the text using the present delimiter in a cell or range. You can define your delimiter as well. Only one character is considered a delimiter.

    Follow the steps below to convert the sample text using the comma delimiter.

    1. Select the cell or range containing text.

    2. Click "Text to Columns" from the "Data Tools" group in the "Data" tab. The "Convert Text to Columns Wizard" window opens.
    3. Select the Delimited option from the "Original data type" section.


      Click Next to open the "Convert Text to Columns Wizard- Step 2 for 3" window.

    4. Set the delimiter from the pre defined list of delimiters or you can enter your delimiter by specifying the desired character in the "Other" option.

      The delimiter in the "" or '' will be ignored.

      Check "Treat consecutive delimiters as one" option to allow if multiple characters ";;;;" are specified, they will be treated as one ";" only.

    5. Click Next to open the "Convert Text to Columns wizard-Step 3 of 3" window. Now, set the Data format for each column.

      You can select the Destination for the text. The default destination is the original cell.

    6. Click Finish to convert the text to the cell into columns.

    Using Fixed Widths

    This method splits the text using the fixed width between text. You can set column breaks to separate the text into columns.

    Follow the steps below to convert the sample text using the fixed width:

    1. Select the cell or range where you want to convert the text into columns.

    2. Click "Text to Columns" from the "Data Tools" group in the "Data" tab. The "Convert Text to Columns Wizard" window opens.
    3. Select the Fixed width option from the "Original data type" section.


      Click Next to open the "Convert Text to Columns Wizard- Step 2 for 3" window.

    4. Create fixed-width column breaks using the instructions mentioned on the window.

      Click Next to open the "Convert Text to Columns wizard-Step 3 of 3" window.

    5. Set the Data format for each column.

      You can select the Destination for the text. The default destination is the original cell.

    6. Click Finish to convert the text to the cell into columns.


    A warning is displayed in the following scenarios:

    1. If the selected cell or range has no data.

    2. If the selection contains more than one column.