Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Ribbon Control
In This Topic
    Ribbon Control
    In This Topic

    Spread ribbonBar control provides an Excel-like ribbon UI for Spread Win, including contextual behaviors, command execution, and full customization options. The ribbonBar control serves as a replacement for the traditional menus and toolbars model and organizes related commands into tabs and groups so that the commands are easier to find.

    The ribbonBar control consists of default tabs, groups, and group items to be used with the Spread Win control.

    Runtime Modes

    There are properties that change supported runtime behaviors of Spread. The ribbonBar displays different items based on the current modes of Spread.

    Legacy Behaviors

    If the composite style is used (LegacyBehaviors.Style is active), Spread uses a legacy style system. Therefore, certain Excel-compatible items, such as Cell Styles and Excel-like number formats, will be hidden as shown below.

    Flat Style
    Composite Style

    Enhanced Shape Engine

    If the EnhancedShapeEngine property is set to true, Spread lets you interact seamlessly with all Excel-compatible shapes, notes, and comments. However, the options will be limited for LegacyShapeEngine.

    Insert tab options
    Enhanced Shape Engine Legacy Shape Engine
    Contextual tab of shape
    Enhanced Shape Engine Legacy Shape Engine

    Rich Clipboard

    If the RichClipboard property is set to true, different context menus are displayed by default when Spread does not have a specified context menu.

    RichClipboard Legacy Clipboard

    Generate RibbonBar Items Manually

    Spread allows you to manually regenerate the ribbonBar to reflect default changes in behaviors at runtime using the following code.

    Copy Code
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    Attach RibbonBar Control

    Additionally, you can use the Attach function to use the ribbonBar control with the specified FpSpread control. Once the ribbonBar is attached, all default tabs will be automatically generated.

    Copy Code
    // Attach ribbonBar control to FpSpread control
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' Attach ribbonBar control to FpSpread control

    Override Built-In RibbonBar Commands

    To override a built-in command, use CommandExecuting and CommandExecuted events. You can also skip the built-in command by changing the CommandExecuting.Handled value to true.

    The following is an example code for the override command. The “Cut” command here is overridden when used via the ribbonBar control, where it is not cutting the selected cell text, instead of filling it with the backcolor. Please note that this overriding behavior will not work when performed using shortcut keys (Ctrl+C).

    Copy Code
    // Override command
    ribbonBar1.CommandExecuting += RibbonBar1_CommandExecuting;
    ribbonBar1.CommandExecuted += RibbonBar1_CommandExecuted;
    fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet.ActiveCell.Value = 123;
    private void RibbonBar1_CommandExecuted(object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("executing: " + e.CommandName);
            private void RibbonBar1_CommandExecuting(object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e)
                if (e.CommandName == "Cut")
                    e.Handled = true;
                    GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromKnownColor(GrapeCity.Core.KnownColor.BlueViolet);
                    IWorksheet TestActiveSheet = fpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet;
                    TestActiveSheet.ActiveCell.Interior.Color = color;
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' Override command
    AddHandler ribbonBar1.CommandExecuting, AddressOf RibbonBar1_CommandExecuting
    AddHandler ribbonBar1.CommandExecuted, AddressOf RibbonBar1_CommandExecuted
    FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet.ActiveCell.Value = 123
    Private Sub RibbonBar1_CommandExecuted(sender As Object, e As ExecuteCommandEventArgs)
        Console.WriteLine("executing: " & e.CommandName)
    End Sub
    Private Sub RibbonBar1_CommandExecuting(sender As Object, e As ExecuteCommandEventArgs)
        If e.CommandName = "Cut" Then
            e.Handled = True
            Dim color As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromKnownColor(GrapeCity.Core.KnownColor.BlueViolet)
            Dim TestActiveSheet As IWorksheet = FpSpread1.AsWorkbook().ActiveSheet
            TestActiveSheet.ActiveCell.Interior.Color = color
        End If
    End Sub

    Execute RibbonBar Command

    To manually execute the ribbonBar commands at runtime, use the ExecuteCommand function. The following example code shows the use of the ExecuteCommand function to the fill color to change the appearance accordingly.

    Copy Code
    // Execute command at runtime
    GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromKnownColor(GrapeCity.Core.KnownColor.BlueViolet);
    ribbonBar1.ExecuteCommand(GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon.BuiltInCommands.FillColor, color);
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' Execute command at runtime
    Dim color As GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromKnownColor(GrapeCity.Core.KnownColor.BlueViolet)
    ribbonBar1.ExecuteCommand(GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon.BuiltInCommands.FillColor, color)

    Add Custom Items to RibbonBar

    A ribbonBar comprises of different tab items that perform a specified command or action. There are various types of group items available in a ribbonBar’s tab, such as toolbars, menus, tab items, icons, and so on. You can also add, remove, or modify the ribbonBar items as per your requirements.

    The following example code shows how to add a new tab along with a new tab group and group item.

    Copy Code
    // Add custom items on ribbonBar
    ribbonBar1.Tabs.Add(new GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon.RibbonTab());
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[8].Text = "New Tab";
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[8].Groups.Add(new RibbonGroup());
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[8].Groups[0].Text = "New Group";
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[8].Groups[0].Items.Add("New Item");
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[8].Groups[0].Items[0].Name = "test";
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[8].Groups[0].Items["test"].CommandName = "Orientation";
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[8].Groups[0].Items["test"].CommandParameter = 30;
    ribbonBar1.Tabs[0].Groups[0].Items[0].Visible = false;
    ((RibbonButton)ribbonBar1.Tabs[1].Groups[0].Items[0]).Text = "New Name";
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    ' Add custom items on ribbonBar
    ribbonBar1.Tabs.Add(New GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.WinForms.Ribbon.RibbonTab())
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(8).Text = "New Tab"
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups.Add(New RibbonGroup())
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups(0).Text = "New Group"
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups(0).Items.Add("New Item")
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups(0).Items(0).Name = "test"
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups(0).Items("test").CommandName = "Orientation"
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(8).Groups(0).Items("test").CommandParameter = 30
    ribbonBar1.Tabs(0).Groups(0).Items(0).Visible = False
    CType(ribbonBar1.Tabs(1).Groups(0).Items(0), RibbonButton).Text = "New Name"
