Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Data Binding / Binding to Data / Binding a Cell Range in Spread as a Data Source to an External Control
In This Topic
    Binding a Cell Range in Spread as a Data Source to an External Control
    In This Topic

    You can bind a range of cells in Spread as a data source for an external control such as a DataGrid control. The following diagram shows the objects involved.

    Binding Spread Cell Range as a Data Source to an External Control

    These are the objects involved:

    Creating a Custom Formatter

    You can create a custom formatter class by inheriting from ISpreadDataViewDataFormatter.

    Using Code

    1. Create the class.
    2. Assign the class to the data view.


    This example code creates a custom class.

    Copy Code
    public class MySpreadDataViewDataFormatter : ISpreadDataViewDataFormatter
    private SpreadDataColumn column;
    private SheetView sheetView;
    public SheetView SheetView;
    get { return sheetView; }
    set { sheetView = value; }
    public MySpreadDataViewDataFormatter(SpreadDataColumn ownerColumn,SheetView sheetView)
    if (ownerColumn == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("ownerColumn");
    column = ownerColumn;
    this.SheetView = sheetView;
    public object GetCellValue(Cell cell)
    object ret = null;
    ret = this.SheetView.GetValue(cell.Row.Index, cell.Column.Index);
    ret += ": Customized format";
    ret = " No value";
    return ret;
    public void SetCellValue(Cell cell, object value)
    this.SheetView.SetValue(cell.Row.Index, cell.Column.Index, value + ": Customized format");
    // Assign new formatter
    dataSet = BuildDataSet(5,5);
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.Spread = this.fpSpread1;
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.SheetName = this.fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.SheetName;
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.DataSource = dataSet.Tables[0];
    spreadDataBindingAdapter1.MapperInfo = new MapperInfo(1, 2, 3, 4);
    MySpreadDataViewDataFormatter testFormatter = new MySpreadDataViewDataFormatter
    (this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.SpreadDataView.Columns[2], fpSpread1.ActiveSheet);
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.SpreadDataView.Columns[2].Formatter = testFormatter;

    Creating a Custom Mapper

    You can create a custom mapper class by inheriting from ISpreadDataViewMapper.

    Using Code

    1. Create the class.
    2. Assign the class to the data view.


    This example code creates a custom class.

    Copy Code
    public class MySpreadDataViewMapper : ISpreadDataViewMapper
    //Assign customized Mapper for SpreadDataView
    dataSet = BuildDataSet(5,5);
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.Spread = this.fpSpread1;
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.SheetName = this.fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.SheetName;
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.DataSource = dataSet.Tables[0];
    MySpreadDataViewMapper testMapper = new MySpreadDataViewMapper ();
    this.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.SpreadDataView.Mapper = testMapper;
    spreadDataBindingAdapter1.MapperInfo = new MapperInfo(1, 2, 3, 4);
    Copy Code
    Public Class MySpreadDataViewMapper
    Implements FarPoint.Win.Spread.Data.ISpreadDataViewMapper
    End Class
    dataSet = BuildDataSet(5, 5)
    Me.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.Spread = Me.fpSpread1
    Me.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.SheetName = Me.fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.SheetName
    Me.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.DataSource = dataSet.Tables(0)
    Dim testMapper As New MySpreadDataViewMapper()
    Me.spreadDataBindingAdapter1.SpreadDataView.Mapper = testMapper
    spreadDataBindingAdapter1.MapperInfo = New MapperInfo(1, 2, 3, 4)
    See Also