Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Sheets / Working with the Active Sheet
In This Topic
    Working with the Active Sheet
    In This Topic

    The active sheet is the sheet that currently receives any user interaction and displays on top of other sheets. You can specify the active sheet programmatically by using the ActiveSheet property of the FpSpread object. You can also specify the index of the active sheet by using the ActiveSheetIndex property.

    Usually, the active sheet is displayed on top of other sheets.

    Method to use

    You can use ActiveSheet as a shortcut object for the active sheet when specifying properties of the sheet.


    The following example set properties of the active sheet and assign the active sheet to sheet number 2.

    Copy Code
    // Create three sheets in the component.
    fpSpread1.Sheets.Count = 3;
    // Set third sheet (in zero-based index) be set to active sheet.
    fpSpread1.ActiveSheetIndex = 2;
    // Set some properties of the active sheet.
    fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.ColumnCount = 8;
    fpSpread1.InterfaceRenderer = NULL;
    fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GrayAreaBackColor = Color.Purple;
    Copy Code
    ' Create three sheets in the component.
    fpSpread1.Sheets.Count = 3
    ' Set third sheet (in zero-based index) be set to active sheet.
    fpSpread1.ActiveSheetIndex = 2
    ' Set some properties of the active sheet.
    fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.ColumnCount = 8
    fpSpread1.InterfaceRenderer = Nothing
    fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.GrayAreaBackColor = Color.Purple
    See Also