Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Spread Designer Dialogs / Custom File Options Dialog
In This Topic
    Custom File Options Dialog
    In This Topic

    You can specify the various delimiters for opening the text file by setting the options in the Custom File Options dialog of the Spread Designer. This dialog appears in Spread Designer when you open a text file (File menu > Open).

    Custom File Options Dialog in Spread Designer

    The Custom File Options dialog provides the following items:



    Column Delimiter

    Set the character or characters that serve as the column delimiter (often a tab, such as in tab-delimited files)

    Row Delimiter

    Set the character or characters that serve as the row delimiter (often a carriage return or line-feed)

    Cell Delimiter

    Set the character or characters that serve as the cell delimiter (often double quotes)

    Include Headers

    Set whether to treat the first column and row of data as headers

    Special Delimiters

    Insert special characters in the delimiters boxes using the controls in this area

    Data contains formatting

    Set whether the data includes formatting

    For more information on the options for opening a custom text file, refer to Opening a Custom Text File in the Developer’s Guide. For more information on how to do this in code, refer to the LoadTextFile methods.

    See Also