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Row or Column Insert or Delete Dialogs

You can add or remove rows and columns from the sheet using the Spread Designer. Select a row or column on the spreadsheet to indicate where to insert the rows or columns, or select the rows and columns to remove. To open this dialog, right-click on the row or column, and select Insert to add rows or columns or Delete to remove rows or columns. The figure below shows each of the the dialogs that can be brought up. Type in the number to insert and click OK.

Insert Row Dialog

For more information on the addition or removal of rows or columns, refer to Adding a Row or Column and Removing a Row or Column in the Developer’s Guide. For more details on how to do this in code, refer to the various methods in the SheetView class.

See Also

Cell Type Dialog

Conditional Formatting Dialog

Custom File Options Dialog

Go To Cell Dialog

Row Height or Column Width Dialog

Shape Properties Dialog

Shape Shadow Properties Dialog

Sheet Settings Dialog

Sheet Print Settings Dialog

Sort Dialog

Spread Settings Dialog

Unhide Specific Row or Column Dialogs

Zoom Dialog

BarCode Tab

Color Picker Tab

Name Manager Dialog