Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Spread Designer Dialogs / Conditional Formatting Dialog
In This Topic
    Conditional Formatting Dialog
    In This Topic

    You can create conditional formatting with the Conditional Formatting dialog. This dialog is located under the Home menu and appears as follows:

    Conditional Formatting dialog displaying different types of rules

    This dialog has the following items:



    Highlight Cells Rules

    Rules used to apply formatting options to values that meet specific conditions

    Top Bottom Rules

    Rules used to apply formatting options to top or bottom values

    Data Bars

    Rules used to apply color bars to values

    Color Scales

    Rules used to apply color or color gradients to values

    Icon Sets

    Rules used to apply icons to values

    New Rules

    Additional rule options

    Clear Rules Clear all rules or rules for selected cells
    Manage Rules Rules manager used to create, edit, or delete rules

    Rules Manager Dialog

    When you click the "Manage Rules" option from the Conditional Formatting dropdown, it opens the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog.

    This dialog helps to create, edit, delete, and view all the conditional formatting rules in the workbook. It also gives the option to create duplicates from the existing rules. You can also resize the dialog as per requirement.

    For more information about conditional formatting, refer to Using Conditional Formatting of Cells.

    See Also