Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Rows and Columns / Adding a Row or Column
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Adding a Row or Column
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You can add one or more columns or rows to a sheet, and specify where the column or row is added. You can use the AddRows method and AddColumns method of the SheetView class to add row and column respectively.

If you set the cell type for the column and a row is inserted, the new cells in the column use the cell type for the entire column. If you set the cell type for individual cells and a new row is inserted, then the new cells use the default cell type, and you would need to set the cell type for each of the new cells.

For more details refer to the SheetView.AddRows method or SheetView.AddColumns method.

Using a Shortcut


This example code adds two columns before 7th column.

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Visual Basic
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Method to set

  1. Use the AddRows or AddColumns method for a SheetView object.
  2. Set the column or row parameter to specify the column or row before which to add the columns or rows.
  3. Set the count parameter to specify the number of columns or rows to add.


This example code adds two columns before 7th column.

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FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView Sheet0;
Sheet0 = fpSpread1.Sheets[0];
Visual Basic
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Dim Sheet0 As FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView
Sheet0 = fpSpread1.Sheets(0)
Sheet0.AddColumns(6, 2)

Using the Spread Designer

  1. Select the sheet tab for the sheet for which you want to add a row or column.
  2. Select a row above which you want to add a row or a column to the left of which you want to add a column.
  3. Right-click on the row or column and choose Insert.

    An additional row or column is added to the sheet.

  4. From the File menu choose Apply and Exit to apply your changes to the component and exit Spread Designer.
See Also