Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Sparklines / Add Sparklines using Formulas / Pareto Sparkline
Pareto Sparkline

A pareto sparkline can be used to highlight the most important items in a set of values. This sparkline usually is taken as a quality tool since it helps analyze and prioritize issue resolution.

The pareto sparkline formula have the following format:

=PARETOSPARKLINE(points, [pointIndex, colorRange, target, target2, hightlightPosition, label, vertical, targetColor, target2Color, labelColor, barSize])

The formula options are described:

Option Description
points A reference that represents the range of cells that contains all values, such as "B2:B7".



A number or reference that represents the segment's index of the points, such as 1 or "D2".

The pointIndex is >= 1.



A reference that represents the range of cells that contain the color for the segment box, such as "D2:D7".

The default value is none.



A number or reference that represents the 'target' line position, such as 0.5. 

The default value is none. The target line color is #8CBF64 if shown.



A number or reference that represents the 'target2' line position, such as 0.8.

The default value is none. The target2 line color is #EE5D5D if shown.



A number or reference that represents the rank of the segment to be colored in red, such as 3.

The default value is none.

If you set the highlightPosition to a value such as 4, then the fourth segment box's color is set to #CB0000.

If you do not set the highlightPosition, the segment box's color is set to the color you assigned to the colorRange or the default color #969696.



A number that represents whether the segment's label is displayed as the cumulated percentage (label = 1) or the single percentage or none (label = 2) or none, such as 2,1.

The default value is 0.



A boolean that represents whether the box's direction is vertical or horizontal.

The default value is False.



A color string that indicates the color of the target line.



A color string that indicates the color of the target2 line.



A color string that indicates the label fore color.



A number value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1, which indicates the percentage of bar width or height according to the cell width or height.

Usage Scenario

Consider a scenario where a survey is conducted on an e-commerce site to determine how a customer decides to purchase products from the site. A pareto sparkline helps highlight the most decisive factors and analyze how to benefit from the result.

Copy Code
// Get sheet
var worksheet = fpSpread1_Sheet1.AsWorksheet();
// Set data for sparkline
worksheet.SetValue(2, 0, new object[,]
    {"Factors","Quality","Price","Brand","Service","New Products","Reviews","Easy Returns"},
worksheet.Cells["A2"].Text = "Diagram";

// Set formula
worksheet.Cells["B2"].Formula2 = "PARETOSPARKLINE(B4:H4,,B5:H5,0.5,0.8,0,2,TRUE,\"Gray\",\"Orange\",B5:H5,B6:H6)";
Visual Basic
Copy Code
'Get sheet
Dim worksheet = FpSpread1_Sheet1.AsWorksheet()
'Set data for sparkline
worksheet.SetValue(2, 0, New Object(,) {
    {"Factors", "Quality", "Price", "Brand", "Service", "New Products", "Reviews", "Easy Returns"},
    {"Customers", 390171, 121691, 70403, 81009, 45390, 53160, 17609},
    {"Color", "#F0371A", "#F4B811", "#DE663E", "#D9A7A7", "#9E6F00", "#BFBF3F", "#4C90BA"},
    {"BarSize", 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9}
worksheet.Cells("A2").Text = "Diagram"

'Set formula
worksheet.Cells("B2").Formula2 = "PARETOSPARKLINE(B4:H4,,B5:H5,0.5,0.8,0,2,TRUE,""Gray"",""Orange"",B5:H5,B6:H6)"

Using the Spread Designer

  1. Type data in a cell or a column or row of cells in the designer.
  2. Select a cell for the sparkline.
  3. Select the Insert menu.
  4. Select a sparkline type.
  5. Set the Data Range in the Create Sparklines dialog (such as =Sheet1!$E$1:$E$3).
    Alternatively, set the range by selecting the cells in the range using the pointer.

    You can also set additional sparkline settings in the dialog if available.

  6. Select OK.
  7. Select Apply and Exit from the File menu to save your changes and close the designer.