The default behavior for end-user keyboard action is summarized in these tables.
The default behavior for end-user keyboard action on the sheet is summarized in this table.
Key Code | Action | Action Name |
Escape | If edit mode is on, previous cell value replaces new value and edit mode is turned off | |
F2 | If edit mode is on, clears the active cell value | |
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert | Copies the selection to the Clipboard | |
Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete | Cuts the selection to the Clipboard | |
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert | Pastes the data and formatting from the Clipboard | |
F3 | If edit mode is on, places the current date and time in a date-time cell | |
Ctrl + Shift + Home | Extends the selection to include the first cell | |
Shift + Home | Extends the selection to include the first column | |
Shift + Home | Extends the selection to include the first item in a list | |
Ctrl + Shift + End | Extends the selection to include the last cell | |
Shift + End | Extends the selection to include the last column | |
Shift + End | Extends the selection to include the last item in a list | |
Shift + Right Arrow or Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow | Extends selection right one column by index | |
Shift + Right Arrow or Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow | Extends selection right one column by visual | |
Shift + Down Arrow | Extends selection down one row | |
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down | Extends selection right one page of columns | |
Shift + Page Down | Extends selection right one page of items | |
Shift + Page Down | Extends selection down one page of rows | |
Shift + Down Arrow or Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow | Extends selection down one row | |
Shift + Left Arrow or Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow | Extends selection left one column by index | |
Shift + Left Arrow or Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow | Extends selection left one column by visual | |
Shift + Up Arrow | Extends selection left one item | |
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up | Extends selection left one page of columns | |
Shift + Page Up | Extends selection up one page of items | |
Shift + Page Up | Extends selection up one page of rows | |
Shift + Up Arrow or Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow | Extends selection up one row | |
Ctrl + Home | Moves active cell to first row, first column | |
Home | Moves active cell to the first cell in the row | |
Home | Moves active cell to the first item in the list | |
Ctrl + End | Moves active cell to last row, last column | |
End | Moves active cell to the last cell in the row | |
End | Moves active cell to the last item in the list | |
Right Arrow or Ctrl + Right Arrow | Moves active cell right one column by index | |
Right Arrow or Ctrl + Right Arrow | Moves active cell right one column | |
Tab | Moves the active cell to the next column and wraps at the end of the row. (The Tab key skips hidden columns automatically.) | |
Down Arrow | Moves to the next item in the list. | |
Ctrl + Page Down | Moves active cell right one page of columns | |
Page Down | Moves down one page of items | |
Page Down | Moves active cell down one page of rows | |
Down Arrow | Moves active cell down one row | |
Down Arrow or Ctrl + Down Arrow | Moves active cell down one row | |
Left row or Ctrl + Left Arrow | Moves active cell left one column by index | |
Left Arrow or Ctrl + Left Arrow | Moves active cell left one column by visual | |
Shift + Tab | Moves the active cell to the previous column and wraps at the end of the row. (The Tab key skips hidden columns automatically). | |
Ctrl + Left Arrow | Moves to previous item in the list | |
Ctrl + Page Up | Moves active cell left one page of columns | |
Page Up | Moves up one page of items | |
Page Up | Moves active cell up one page of rows | |
Up Arrow or Ctrl + Up Arrow | Moves active cell up one row | |
Ctrl + Y | Moves active cell up one row | |
Ctrl + Home | Scrolls to display the first cell | |
Home | Scrolls to display the first column | |
Ctrl + End | Scrolls to display the last cell | |
End | Scrolls to display the last column | |
Right | Scrolls to display the next column by index | |
Right | Scrolls to display the next column by visual | |
Ctrl + Page Down | Scrolls to display the next page of columns | |
Page Down | Scrolls to display the next page of rows | |
Down | Scrolls to display the next row | |
Left | Scrolls to display the previous column by index | |
Left | Scrolls to display the previous column by visual | |
Ctrl + Page Up | Scrolls to display the previous page of columns | |
Page Up | Scrolls to display the previous page of rows | |
Up Arrow | Scrolls to display the previous row | |
Ctrl + spacebar | Selects the column containing the active cell | |
Home | Selects the first item in the list | |
End | Selects the last item in the list | |
Down | Selects the next item in the list | |
Page Down | Selects the next page of items in the list | |
Up Arrow | Selects the previous item in the list | |
Page Up | Selects the previous page of items in the list | |
Shift + spacebar | Selects the row containing the active cell | |
Ctrl + Shift + spacebar | Selects the current sheet | |
F4 | If edit mode is enabled in a date cell, spreadsheet displays a pop-up calendar to let you choose a date. If the edit mode is enabled in a formula text box or in a cell containing formula and a cell reference or range is selected, pressing the F4 key will show up various combinations of absolute and relative references. For example, let's say you have entered a formula "=A1" in a cell. Now, everytime the F4 key is pressed, the formula will change as per this cycle : A1 -> $A$1 -> A$1 -> $A1 -> A1 | |
Enter or Backspace | Begins editing; stops editing if edit mode is on. | |
= | Begins editing formula | |
Alt + = | Calculates sum of rows and/or columns. | |
Ctrl + Z | Moves active cell up one row |
Keyboard navigation is defined by default maps, that map user keyboard actions with Spread component actions. For example, by default, pressing Tab moves the active cell to the next column. You can customize any or all of the keyboard actions by mapping them to Spread component actions.
The built-in keyboard actions (for example, MoveToNextRowWrap) treat a cell span as existing in both columns or rows. You can enter the span by navigating down either column or row. When leaving the span in a backwards direction (for example, MoveToPreviousRowWrap), the built-in action uses the upper left corner of the span for computing the previous column or row. When leaving the span in a forwards direction (for example, MoveToNextRowWrap), the built-in action uses the lower right corner of the span for computing the new column or row.
For the Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown keys, if you want your application to mimic the behavior found in Excel (that is, move left or right one sheet regardless of number of sheets) then rebind the keystrokes to the MoveToPreviousSheet and MoveToNextSheet actions.
Actions that extend, move, or scroll to the next or previous column use the visual layout of the screen by default. The previous column is a column that is visually left of the active column and the next column is column that is visually right of the active column. In Spread Windows Forms 2.5, cell coordinates were used. In cell coordinates, the previous column is the active column - 1 and the next column is the active column + 1. The cell coordinate actions are still available and are listed in the SpreadActions class.
The default navigation keys for shapes on a sheet are used with all operation modes and can be changed with the SetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus method. The default navigation keys for shapes are listed in the following table.
Key Code | Action | Action Name |
Tab | Moves to next shape | |
Shift + Tab | Moves to previous shape | |
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert | Copies shape | |
Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete | Cuts shape | |
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert | Pastes shape | |
N/A | Cuts data only | |
Escape | Deactivates shape | |
Ctrl + Up Arrow | Decreases shape height | |
Ctrl + Left Arrow | Decreases shape width | |
Delete | Deletes shape | |
Ctrl + Down Arrow | Increases shape height | |
Ctrl + Right Arrow | Increases shape width | |
Down Arrow | Moves shape down | |
Left Arrow | Moves shape left | |
Right Arrow | Moves shape right | |
Up Arrow | Moves shape up | |
Alt + Right Arrow | Rotates shape clockwise | |
Alt + Left Arrow | Rotates shape counter-clockwise |
For more information about shapes, refer to Customizing Drawing.
The default navigation keys for child controls on a sheet are used with all operation modes and can be changed with the SetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus method. The default navigation keys for child controls on a sheet are listed in the following table.
Key Code | Action | Action Name |
Tab | Moves to next control | |
Shift + Tab | Moves to previous control | |
Escape | Deactivates control | |
Ctrl + Up Arrow | Decreases control height | |
Ctrl + Left Arrow | Decreases control width | |
Delete | Deletes control | |
Ctrl + Down Arrow | Increases control height | |
Ctrl + Right Arrow | Increases control width | |
Down Arrow | Moves control down | |
Left Arrow | Moves control left | |
Right Arrow | Moves control right | |
Up Arrow | Moves control up |
For more information about controls, refer to Placing Child Controls on a Sheet.
Underlying Keystroke Processing
Deactivating the Default Keyboard Map
Changing the Default Keyboard Map
Using Input Maps with Action Maps