Internally, the SpreadView object uses an input map paired with an action map to process a keystroke. An input map (InputMap object) is used to convert a key stroke (KeyStroke object) to an object that identifies the action. An action map (ActionMap object) is used to convert the object to an action.
Create a new InputMap object for which to map keys and actions.
Set an existing input map equal to the InputMap object you created.
Use the InputMap class Put method to map specific keys to specific actions.
For example, the internal code that handles KeyDown events looks something like this:
object actionMapKey = GetInputMap(InputMapMode.WhenFocused).Get(new Keystroke(e.KeyCode, e.Modifiers));
if (actionMapKey != null)
Action action = GetActionMap().Get(actionMapKey);
if (action != null)
e.Handled = true;
Dim actionMapKey As Object = GetInputMap(InputMapMode.WhenFocused).Get(New Keystroke(e.KeyCode, e.Modifiers))
If Not (actionMapKey Is Nothing) Then
Dim action As Action = GetActionMap().Get(actionMapKey)
If Not (action Is Nothing) Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End If
Excel uses Ctl+9 and Ctl+Shift+9 to hide and unhide rows. Suppose you want to implement this feature in Spread. You could create the following classes to define the hide and unhide actions.
private class HideRowAction : Action
public override void PerformAction(object source)
if (source is SpreadView)
SpreadView spread = (SpreadView)source;
SheetView sheet = spread.Sheets[spread.ActiveSheetIndex];
if (sheet.SelectionCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < sheet.SelectionCount; i++)
CellRange range = sheet.GetSelection(i);
if (range.Row == -1)
sheet.Rows[0, sheet.RowCount - 1].Visible = false;
sheet.Rows[range.Row, range.Row + range.RowCount - 1].Visible = false;
sheet.Rows[sheet.ActiveRowIndex].Visible = false;
private class UnhideRowAction : Action
public override void PerformAction(object source)
if (source is SpreadView)
SpreadView spread = (SpreadView)source;
SheetView sheet = spread.Sheets[spread.ActiveSheetIndex];
if (sheet.SelectionCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < sheet.SelectionCount; i++)
CellRange range = sheet.GetSelection(i);
if (range.Row == -1)
sheet.Rows[0, sheet.RowCount - 1].Visible = true;
sheet.Rows[range.Row, range.Row + range.RowCount - 1].Visible = true;
sheet.Rows[sheet.ActiveRowIndex].Visible = true;
Private Class HideRowAction
Inherits Action
Public Overrides Sub PerformAction([source] As Object)
If TypeOf [source] Is SpreadView Then
Dim spread As SpreadView = CType([source], SpreadView)
Dim sheet As SheetView = spread.Sheets(spread.ActiveSheetIndex)
If sheet.SelectionCount > 0 Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To sheet.SelectionCount - 1
Dim range As CellRange = sheet.GetSelection(i)
If range.Row = - 1 Then
sheet.Rows(0, sheet.RowCount - 1).Visible = False
sheet.Rows(range.Row, range.Row + range.RowCount - 1).Visible = False
End If
Next i
sheet.Rows(sheet.ActiveRowIndex).Visible = False
End If
End If
End Sub 'PerformAction
End Class 'HideRowAction
Private Class UnhideRowAction
Inherits Action
Public Overrides Sub PerformAction([source] As Object)
If TypeOf [source] Is SpreadView Then
Dim spread As SpreadView = CType([source], SpreadView)
Dim sheet As SheetView = spread.Sheets(spread.ActiveSheetIndex)
If sheet.SelectionCount > 0 Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To sheet.SelectionCount - 1
Dim range As CellRange = sheet.GetSelection(i)
If range.Row = - 1 Then
sheet.Rows(0, sheet.RowCount - 1).Visible = True
sheet.Rows(range.Row, range.Row + range.RowCount - 1).Visible = True
End If
Next i
sheet.Rows(sheet.ActiveRowIndex).Visible = True
End If
End If
End Sub 'PerformAction
End Class 'UnhideRowAction
You could then add the keystrokes and actions to the maps as follows.
InputMap im = spread.GetInputMap(InputMapMode.WhenFocused);
ActionMap am = spread.GetActionMap();
im.Put(new Keystroke(Keys.D9, Keys.Control), "HideRow");
im.Put(new Keystroke(Keys.D9, Keys.Control | Keys.Shift), "UnhideRow");
am.Put("HideRow", new HideRowAction());
am.Put("UnhideRow", new UnhideRowAction());
Dim im As InputMap = spread.GetInputMap(InputMapMode.WhenFocused)
Dim am As ActionMap = spread.GetActionMap()
im.Put(New Keystroke(Keys.D9, Keys.Control), "HideRow")
im.Put(New Keystroke(Keys.D9, Keys.Control Or Keys.Shift), "UnhideRow")
am.Put("HideRow", New HideRowAction())
am.Put("UnhideRow", New UnhideRowAction())
For more information, refer to the methods in ActionMap and InputMap classes.
public class FpSpread : ...{ ...
public ActionMap GetActionMap();
public void SetActionMap(ActionMap value);
public class SpreadView : ...
public ActionMap GetActionMap();
public void SetActionMap(ActionMap value);
public class ActionMap{
public ActionMap();
public object[] AllKeys();
public object[] Keys();
public ActionMap Parent { get; set; }
public int Size { get; }
public void Clear();
public Action Get(object key);
public void Put(object key, Action action);
public void Remove(object key);}
public abstract class Action{ public abstract void PerformAction(object source);}
Public Class FpSpread ...
Public Function GetActionMap() As ActionMap
Public Sub SetActionMap(value As ActionMap)
End Class 'FpSpread
Public Class SpreadView ...
Public Function GetActionMap() As ActionMap
Public Sub SetActionMap(value As ActionMap)
End Class 'SpreadView
Public Class ActionMap
Public Sub ActionMap()
Public object AllKeys()
Public object Keys()
Public ActionMap Parent
Public Size As Integer
Public Sub Clear()
Public Action Get(By key As object)
Public Sub Put(By key As object, By action As Action)
Public Sub Remove(By key As object)
Public MustOverride Class Action
Public Sub PerformAction(By source As object)
Underlying Keystroke Processing
Deactivating the Default Keyboard Map
Changing the Default Keyboard Map