Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Sparklines / Add Sparklines using Formulas / Image Sparkline
Image Sparkline

The image sparkline can be used to place an image in a cell. The image can be displayed in different sizes by using display modes of image sparkline function:

image sparklines mode example

The image sparkline formula has the following syntax:

=GC.IMAGE(url, [mode, height, width, clipX, clipY, clipHeight, clipWidth, vAlign, hAlign])

The formula options are described below:

Option Description
URL The location of the image on the web or base64 string.



Specifies how to size the image.
  • 1 - Keep the aspect ratio to fit the cell.
  • 2 - Stretch the image to cover the entire cell.
  • 3 - Keep original size even if cropped.
  • 4 - custom

The default value is 1.



The height of image.

mode option must be 4.



The width of image.

mode option must be 4.



The x-axis coordinate of the top left corner of the source image sub-rectangle to draw into the destination context.

The default value is 0.



The y-axis coordinate of the top left corner of the source image sub-rectangle to draw into the destination context.

The default value is 0.



The height of the source image sub-rectangle to draw into the destination context.

The default value is the height of image.



The width of the source image sub-rectangle to draw into the destination context.

The default value is the width of image.



Vertical alignment of the image.

0 - Top
1 - Center
2 - Bottom

The default value is 1 (center).



Horizontal alignment of the image.

0 - Left
1 - Center
2 - Right

The default value is 1 (center).

Behavior with Different Values of Parameters

The following behavior is observed with certain parameter values in Image sparklines:

  1. The height and width of the image must be specified when the mode is set to 4, otherwise, a blank cell is returned.
  2. If the clipWidth value is not specified while setting clipX, the clipWidth value is set as (Image Width - clipX). The same applies for clipHeight and clipY arguments.
  3. If clipX is greater than the image width, then the clipWidth is set to 0. Similarly, for clipY and image height.
  4. If the mode, vAlign, or hAlign is set to an illegal value, the runtime sets the mode to 1.
  5. The following parameters are replaced with 0, if they are set to a value smaller than 0:
    Width, Height, ClipX, ClipY, ClipHeight, ClipWidth

Usage Scenario

Consider a scenario where a data accounting organization wants to present a list of 10 countries with the largest population in the world. The list can also display the images for country flags picked through a web URL using the image sparkline.

image sparkline usage

Copy Code
// Get sheet
var worksheet = fpSpread1_Sheet1.AsWorksheet();

// Set value in cells
worksheet.Cells[1, 0].Value = "Flag";
worksheet.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Top 10 Populated Countries";
fpSpread1_Sheet1.AddSpanCell(0, 0, 1, 5);

// Set data
worksheet.SetValue(1, 1, new object[,]
    {"Country", "Rank", "Population (2020)", "Land Area (km sq)"},
    {"China", 1, 1439323776, 9388211 },
    {"India", 2, 1380004385, 2973190},
    {"United States", 3, 331002651, 9147420},
    {"Indonesia", 4, 273523615, 1811570},
    {"Pakistan", 5, 220892340, 770880},
    {"Brazil", 6, 212559417, 8358140},
    {"Nigeria", 7, 206139589, 910770},
    {"Bangladesh", 8, 164689383, 130170},
    {"Russia", 9, 145934462, 16376870},
    {"Mexico", 10, 128932753, 1943950}

// Set Image function formula in cells
worksheet.Cells[2, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://www.wallpaperflare.com/static/193/1001/133/five-starred-red-flag-china-flag-five-wallpaper.jpg\")";
worksheet.Cells[3, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://www.pngfind.com/pngs/m/21-211631_the-indian-flag-png-indian-flag-icon-transparent.png\")";
worksheet.Cells[4, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://previews.123rf.com/images/auttkhamkhauncham/auttkhamkhauncham1507/auttkhamkhauncham150700090/42304741-usa-flag.jpg\")";
worksheet.Cells[5, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e8/0a/d5/e80ad5d4ea09700a78719ca051d19cbd.jpg\")";
worksheet.Cells[6, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/114/048/non_2x/free-vector-pakistan-flag.jpg\")";
worksheet.Cells[7, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/05/Flag_of_Brazil.svg/2560px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png\")";
worksheet.Cells[8, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/22/94/732294310c7e9fa3da611030168923fb.jpg\")";
worksheet.Cells[9, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31V23jzzMgL._AC_.jpg\")";
worksheet.Cells[10, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f3/Flag_of_Russia.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png\")";
worksheet.Cells[11, 0].Formula = "GC.IMAGE(\"https://www.pngkey.com/png/detail/442-4423822_mexico-icon-mexican-flag-icon-png.png\")";

// Set backcolor for cells 
worksheet.Cells["A1"].Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFF9FD5B7));
worksheet.Cells["A2:E2"].Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFFd9eee2));
worksheet.Cells["A3:E12"].Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFFf5fbf8));
Visual Basic
Copy Code
'Get sheet
Dim worksheet = FpSpread1_Sheet1.AsWorksheet()
'Set value in cells
worksheet.Cells(1, 0).Value = "Flag"
worksheet.Cells(0, 0).Value = "Top 10 Populated Countries"
FpSpread1_Sheet1.AddSpanCell(0, 0, 1, 5)

'Set data
worksheet.SetValue(1, 1, New Object(,) {
    {"Country", "Rank", "Population (2020)", "Land Area (km sq)"},
    {"China", 1, 1439323776, 9388211},
    {"India", 2, 1380004385, 2973190},
    {"United States", 3, 331002651, 9147420},
    {"Indonesia", 4, 273523615, 1811570},
    {"Pakistan", 5, 220892340, 770880},
    {"Brazil", 6, 212559417, 8358140},
    {"Nigeria", 7, 206139589, 910770},
    {"Bangladesh", 8, 164689383, 130170},
    {"Russia", 9, 145934462, 16376870},
    {"Mexico", 10, 128932753, 1943950}

'Set Image function formula in cells
worksheet.Cells(2, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://www.wallpaperflare.com/static/193/1001/133/five-starred-red-flag-china-flag-five-wallpaper.jpg"")"
worksheet.Cells(3, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://www.pngfind.com/pngs/m/21-211631_the-indian-flag-png-indian-flag-icon-transparent.png"")"
worksheet.Cells(4, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://previews.123rf.com/images/auttkhamkhauncham/auttkhamkhauncham1507/auttkhamkhauncham150700090/42304741-usa-flag.jpg"")"
worksheet.Cells(5, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e8/0a/d5/e80ad5d4ea09700a78719ca051d19cbd.jpg"")"
worksheet.Cells(6, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/114/048/non_2x/free-vector-pakistan-flag.jpg"")"
worksheet.Cells(7, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/05/Flag_of_Brazil.svg/2560px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png"")"
worksheet.Cells(8, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/22/94/732294310c7e9fa3da611030168923fb.jpg"")"
worksheet.Cells(9, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31V23jzzMgL._AC_.jpg"")"
worksheet.Cells(10, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f3/Flag_of_Russia.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png"")"
worksheet.Cells(11, 0).Formula = "GC.IMAGE(""https://www.pngkey.com/png/detail/442-4423822_mexico-icon-mexican-flag-icon-png.png"")"

'Set backcolor for cells
worksheet.Cells("A1").Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(&HFF9FD5B7)
worksheet.Cells("A2:E2").Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(&HFFD9EEE2)
worksheet.Cells("A3:E12").Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(&HFFF5FBF8)

Using the Spread Designer

  1. Select a cell for the sparkline.
  2. Select the Insert menu.
  3. Select a sparkline type.
  4. Set the URL in the Image Sparkline Setting dialog.

    Image sparkline setting dialog in Spread Designer

    Set the additional sparkline settings as shown in the image above.

  5. Select OK.
  6. Select Apply and Exit from the File menu to save your changes and close the designer.
Note: Spread for WinForms also provides a function that allows you to insert an image in a cell. For more information, refer to the IMAGE function.