Spread Windows Forms 18
Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Spread Designer User Interface / Spread Designer Quick Access Toolbar
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    Spread Designer Quick Access Toolbar
    In This Topic

    Spread Designer provides a Quick Access Toolbar to provide quick and easy access to frequently used commands, that are independent of the commands displayed on ribbon tab. You can move the Quick Access Toolbar below or above the ribbon control.

    Spread Designer has a customized toolbar button that allows you to enable/disable the commands that are present in the Quick Access Toolbar and the ribbon tab can also be minimized using this button.

    The below image displays the items in the Quick Access Toolbar with a dropdown button to enable/disable items.


    Moreover, in addition to commands for opening, saving and getting a new spreadsheet, the Quick Access Toolbar displays and executes the list of undo/redo action history as well.

    On selecting the desired undo/redo operation, the undo/redo action gets executed along with actions displayed after the selected operation.

    The following image displays the Undo/Redo list on the Quick Access Toolbar of the Spread Designer. 

    Undo list Redo list

     Let’s discuss the behavior of Undo/Redo action with the help of an example.

    1. Click on the Undo dropdown button on Quick Access Toolbar and click on action Typing 'A4' in A4.

           Observe: Action Typing ‘A4’ in A4 and Typing ‘A5’ in A5 gets undo.  






           2. Click on the Redo dropdown button on Quick Access Toolbar.

           3. Click on action Typing ‘A4’ in A4.

           Observe: Action Typing ‘A4’ in A4 gets redone.  





    See Also