Spread Windows Forms 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Keyboard Interaction / Using Excel-compatible Keyboard Shortcuts
Using Excel-compatible Keyboard Shortcuts

By using keyboard shortcuts, you can save your time and increase efficiency. Spread for WinForms provides ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts property which when set to true, allows you to use Excel-compatible keyboard shortcuts. 


  • The supported shortcuts and their behavior when ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts is true, may change in next releases to match with Excel behavior.
  • If ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts is false, some of the shortcut keys are available on Spread Designer as well.

The below table lists the Excel-compatible keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Spread Designer Support Description
CTRL + - No Delete cells
CTRL + F3 Yes Show Name Manager dialog
SHIFT + F9 Yes Calculate the active sheet
F9 Yes Calculate the entire workbook
CTRL + SHIFT + T Yes Show/hide total row of the table
CTRL + T Yes Create table
CTRL + U Yes Format text as underline
CTRL + I Yes Format text as italic
CTRL + B Yes Format text as bold
CTRL + SHIFT + % Yes Format as a Percent
CTRL + SHIFT + V No Paste plain text or paste values
ALT + SHIFT + RIGHT Arrow Yes Group data
ALT + SHIFT + LEFT Arrow Yes Ungroup data
SHIFT + F2 No Create cell comment (EnhancedShapeEngine = True)
ALT + UP Arrow No Show Data Validation auto complete list when cell in editmode
SHIFT + F3 Yes Show Insert Function / Function Arguments dialog
F3 No Show Paste Name dialog 
Ctrl+` No Toggle between displaying formulas in cells and displaying calculated values as in Excel
Ctrl+1 No Show "Format Cells" dialog
Ctrl+Shift+F5 No Show card (for .NET data object)
Ctrl+K No Show Insert Hyperlink dialog
Ctrl+Enter No Input data for multiple cells
Tab No

Move to the next cell at the right

In case of a table, if active cell is in the last column of table

  • If the last row of table is selected, add new data row and move active cell to the first cell of new row
  • Otherwise, move to the first cell of the next row (or the first cell of the first row if current row is the last)
Shift + Tab No

Move the active cell to the previous cell at the left

If the active cell is in the first column of table, move to the last cell of previous row (or the last cell of the last row if current row is the first)

Ctrl + A No

Select neighbor cells, then worksheet on each subsequent use of Ctrl+A

If the cell belongs to Table, select table data range, then table range, then worksheet on each subsequent use of Ctrl+A

Ctrl + Shift + "+" No Insert cut or copied cells
Ctrl + Page Up No Navigate to the next sheet.
Ctrl + Page Down No Navigate to the previous sheet.


The below example code sets ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts property to true which allows you to use above mentioned shortcuts.

Copy Code
// Set ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts features to true
 fpSpread1.Features.ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts = true;
// Set value in Cells
 fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = 10;
 fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells["B1"].Value = 20;
 // Set formula in Cell
 fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells["C1"].Formula = "SUM(A1: B2)";

Copy Code
' Set ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts features to true
fpSpread1.Features.ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts = True
' Set value in Cells
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells("A1").Value = 10
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells("B1").Value = 20
' Set formula in Cell
fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells("C1").Formula = "SUM(A1: B2)"